Elektron - Main Volume / Volume Parameters

This concerns all Elektron products, so i put it in General.

Where do you have your Main Volume set?

Ive had this debate with a few people, but never seem to decide what to believe/what sounds best. Ive talked to some people who believe the Volume should sit neatly near 50% with the Elektrons. I tried this for a long time, but just find myself boosting everything internally by the end of my set, that it all sounds to mush. Ive tried MAX main volume and controlling everything internally, but some of the machines have sooooo many volume parameters that gain staging mentally with 4-5 or sometimes even 6 elektrons becomes a mind fuck.

In your opinion, what is the best volume settings for each machine when it comes to clarity. Not taking into account pushing stuff into distortion for desired effect, or running super low to leave headroom for later, but what settings support CLARITY the best…

Should i have my OT main mixer out at 0 and push the track levels to 127 while leaving the amp vol at 0?

With a thru machine on OT should i crank Track Vol to 127, input Vol to 63 and Amp Vol to 0? What about the machine plugged into the OT input?

Should the MDUW have its main volume maxed and the track Vol at 50%? Amp Vol at 127? Should the track Vol be maxed with a main vol of 50%?

Should the A4 be at 50% main vol with track levels at or below 100? Amp vol at 100? Osc Volumes under 60?

ahhhh… it gets a bit out of control in my head sometimes. These arent technical questions, but scenarios i find myself thinking about all the time lately. My hearing is a bit shot from years of being in a death metal band, so sometimes i cant rely on hearing to say “yup… thats the perfect setting” and i know there is no such thing as a perfect setting… its all up to taste and whatnot… But… for you… in your opinion…

Where do you keep your Volume Values??!

Get a nice graphic EQ hardware or software whatever tickles your fantasy, make sure you’re not hitting reds and after that it probably comes down to having another person with you to give you their opinion.

That being said I try to keep my A4 at around 60-75% on the master, the OT on 100 on the master, and then the AMP/TRACK levels depending on how I want each instrument/sound/pattern/track to sit in the mix… plocks make this easy to adjust for.

on another thread this thing was being discussed: http://www.behringer.com/EN/Products/DEQ2496.aspx

With my monomachine, I have it set at 75%. I think I used to have it set at 50% but I’d always be boosting levels on each track.