Elektron Jam Session #5

R E A L L Y , elektron? really? this … ? just this? we are waiting patiently for updates, aaaaadn caps on, t u t o r i a l s … and this mediocre thing you post …

just pay that dataline guy some swedish gold and get our p r o m i s e d tutorials done

That modular at the start was all out of time, it hurt my brain.

Off kilter stuff sounds good but I did question it myself. Probably not the best thing to do when trying to display connectivity and timing between devices :joy:

Anyway modular sounded great… it is good to show its capabilities. Just give us f#%*ing midi!!

It got better after the two minute mark, but the first part was way out of time. I would have shot a second take.

…thats kinda funny

Does anyone know what kind of case he has his eurorack gear in ?

I’m liking the slim profile of it