Elektron gear price drop

Sorry if this was already posted, I didn’t see anything here yet.

Most of Elektron gear had a price drop, ranging from 80$ for DT and DN to 200$ for DN Keys, the OT mk2 is 140$ off so I grabbed one. Very happy with that :slight_smile:

I’m just not sure if it’s permanent, but it’s off in many stores in Canada and US like Sweetwater.

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Yeah, it’s weird, as if it was Black Friday or Christmas…:thinking:


Interestingly, I can see a couple of the ‘Black Friday’ price drops (m:s down £80, AH down £50) have stuck and are no longer branded as special prices, while others are back at pre-black Friday prices.

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The price drop is only temporary, it generally goes up around february, to (almost) the original price, so it’s a little steep. Then it goes back down throughout the years. You can look for price increase thread and look at their dates if you’re trying to find a pattern but every year is the same.

(one example of such thread)

I am wondering if the Analog4 is a better purchase than a Sub 37…uses vs synth quality…