Over longer time, I wanted a pair of end-cheeks for my Elektron products because.
· It looks nice
· It takes less space
I talked with a friend about this and he said that it was crazy to pay 100 $ for a pair of plastic or wood cut out in a specific form, when you can do it yourself for far under 100 $! Incl 1 hours working and material
· Some people are milking money on us!
Because after you have made the first design, then it is easy to draw and cut another one.
So my question, does anyone have some good design drawings out there to share with the community?
I have a sketch in .pdf format if you want. just printed it and handed to my woodbutcher. (the sketch is w/o screw and ventilation holes because up to the last moment i couldn’t decide if i want the A4 or the OT on top).
hmm, indeed, what’s the official word on warranty support when the ‘vents’ are being covered (A4) ? Mind you, it’s not exactly hot to begin with here in Scotland !
I can send a fully polylined dxf file of the design if anyone wants it. Just send to your chosen company for a quote. These i made were in 10mm acrylic. NOTE the A4 vents!!! If i am honest i would have preferred to have tilted the top box back a few degrees extra, but i was not going to get them remade. Left / right compatible so get 2 made for each pair of boxes.
They do have a minimum order charge though and you really have to try and work with the materials they have at hand - if they have to order a sheet to your specification it will cost a bomb.
PM me if you would like the file and i’ll email you.
I have got a couple of requests already so i’ll wait for a bit and do the emails all together.
They do have a minimum order charge though and you really have to try and work with the materials they have at hand - if they have to order a sheet to your specification it will cost a bomb.
PM me if you would like the file and i’ll email you.
I have got a couple of requests already so i’ll wait for a bit and do the emails all together.[/quote]
Can i use the dust cover with this design?
They do have a minimum order charge though and you really have to try and work with the materials they have at hand - if they have to order a sheet to your specification it will cost a bomb.
PM me if you would like the file and i’ll email you.
I have got a couple of requests already so i’ll wait for a bit and do the emails all together.[/quote]
Can i use the dust cover with this design?[/quote]
I dont have the covers so i did not make any allowances in the design - i guess they would not fit unfortunately.
My friend and I made the cheeks in the photo in about 1-2 hours, for a total cost of maybe $10.
Basically we just traced the profile of the machine, and using a right angle rule, and a one of those rulers that is adjustable to degrees, we created a 30 degree angle to the back. We cut a test piece using scrap (the sheet of acrylic was cheap and much larger than I needed so we plenty extra to work with). Once we were sure that the piece was going to fit we marked the drill hole for the mounting hardware. Then we drilled it, tested it, and then traced it to make three more identical pieces.
Cut on a table saw with sharp blade (or just use a straight guide). My friend has every too you can imagine, so we were also able to round the corners.
I then hand sanded the edges (use a high grit wet/dry paper backed with a flat block so your edges don’t get all weird).
You will need metric screws to mount the cheeks (size 4, 6mm) and plastic washers so the screw head doesn’t crack your cheeks from stress.
The end product is beautiful. If you mess up, you’re only out a few bucks and some time. No biggie for a weekend project.
So let me get this right: you want someone else to spend time making the design and then you want that design for free?
It’s not difficult to create an Elektron stand but it takes time, effort and iteration to get a good design.
I sell mine for a small profit which goes to compensate me for the time I’ve spent on it. To suggest I should only get paid once for it then give away the design for free is insulting and naive.
If you don’t like what I (or anyone else) charge, make your own. With your own design. If you can’t create a design then maybe you will then realise that it’s not cheap or easy to do so. Unless someone else has already done the hard work.
It is funny and easy to use and you can project the design for everything you need. Also you can put quotes so you can go with the sketch and millimeters to your personal craftman and let him to build it.
Now i am “designing” (infinite sorry to all the REAL Designers out there=)
a 3-slots stand with room to put other goodies under it and a cable tie guide on the back (i dont like messy cables and especially mission-impossible dust removing).
Here two snapshots of the rough project.
@sicijk: v nice, sketchup is a great tool !
i hope you don’t upgrade one of those to an analog four soon, because there’s vents to be taken into account ; - ]