Elektron controllers

For OT a midi controller with endless rotary encoders (or motor faders like BCF2000 or BCR2000) works great, because OT is the only Elektron machine, that can answer to CC61 and then sends a parameter dump to the controller (Midi in and out have to be connected).
Map a button to send CC61, then after a part or bank change when the values on OT don´t match the values on the controller anymore, press the button and OT will send a value dump and the controller will update its values.

The Faderfox controllers with pots actually have a catch up mode, which would help you move the controls to the updated values without actually changing anything on OT, but they can´t automatically move themselves.

You need to understand how MIDI works, MIDI is sent unidirectionally and most Elektron boxes don’t provide MIDI feedback, so the controller has absolutely no way of knowing what’s happened in the box or not, it’s a limitation of both MIDI and the way MIDI is implemented on Elektrons not providing feedback data (I think the OT is the outlier here and does feedback to MIDI when you change parameters on the machine itself).

What you are asking is simply impossible through MIDI, I don’t know about Elektron’s USB API, no idea how they implemented Overbridge and it isn’t a public API anyway, with that USB API you could probably implement a controller that behaves exactly like the VSTs from Elektron, with feedback for values, maybe p-lock reading, etc., but MIDI is not a protocol for that.

Should be possible using the same mechanisms as Overbridge. Would be USB Only und exclude the Model-Series and the OT.

Simply using midi CC or NRPNs could actually work, but would either require the controller to listen to different midi messages than it sends or listen to midi messages on another midi channel - and ofc Elektron would have to implement the functionality first. As it is now, a held step does not send any midi messages.

This solution is somewhat impractical, either requires double the amount of CCs, another set of NRPNs or double the amount of midi channels used.

Sending the CC of that parameter when a p-locked step is held would be another way but could potentially mess up a lot, because you’d always have these CC messages flying around when you hold a step.

The technology for this controller shouldn’t maybe be MIDI then. All new Elektrons have USB with Overbridge. Elektron could create such a controller - we would be losing OB then … I don’t think the CPU is capable of more I/O though…

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If it is possible and feasible, hopefully elektron would consider this general idea, whether an elektron controller comes through some kind of elektron midi thing or something else

Surgeon with an OT and a Faderfox

2 of the new Elektrons don’t have Overbridge and one of them are explicitly mentioned by Analog7.

@Schnork No, it won’t work (like you somehow wrote), because Elektron Boxes (But the OT) are not sending their state via MIDI out. so this would not only require a new expensive hardware, but also a lot of work in every firmware they maintain. Using something that’s already there for at least some products, AND brings way more bandwidth, would be a lot less developer hungry on their side.

Would love something like this. The power of the elektron sequencer in a box dedicated to sequence other devices and be the centre of a setup that feels perfect for performing. Hopefully it could send a cue click separately as well!