Elektron as limiter

hi all … 2nd thread … 1st was too confusing …Limiter OT MD A4 KP3 Hannibal + TheWanShow

I want to watch (youtube) videos and find the volume changes too annoying … hence I want to run the audio through my OT MD A4 or MM and use either of these boxes as a limiter …

how would I do that?

here my signal chain idea:

from PC -to - ext usb focusrite 2i4 soundcard -out to- input of OT/MD(here the limiter should be)- out to my amplifier cinch input-

which settings would I use the OT/MD to compress/limit the incoming audio?


picking up from your other thread…do it in ableton using one of these to route the youtube audio internally to your inputs:

if on a pc


or this if on a mac:


Or route your audio out from your soundcard to the IN AB on OT.
Use a thru machine, then use track 8 as a master track with comp/limiter.

thank you zeropoint … uuh , that looks complicated… i am on a win7 64bit …and would use ableton 9

thanks bozobreak … will try later


Sound flowers not complicated at all. It’s really good for recording sound off YouTube and streaming services. I use it all the time. That’s on mac though, no idea about PC.

i am on win7 unfortunately but thanks for the info smais :wink:

hey Bozobreak …
I did what you suggested … my sound comes from externally into my OT and Track 8 is a Master Track
I have 2 compressors each on Effect 1 and Effect 2.
How would I use the settings … ? in another thread I clearly state I have no idea of how to use these parameters, and I cant trust my ears …
all I want is, to hear whisper as loud as normal voice, and have toooo loud shreeks and sound effects limited …
thanks for all advice of how to use Ratio, Atk Rel Thrs RAT Gain Mix, and whether 1 compressor or 2 is best … btw where is the limiter? ooh there is none? …looks like i have to buy a KaossPad Mini :wink:

hey Bozobreak …
I did what you suggested … my sound comes from externally into my OT and Track 8 is a Master Track
I have 2 compressors each on Effect 1 and Effect 2.
How would I use the settings … ? in another thread I clearly state I have no idea of how to use these parameters, and I cant trust my ears …
all I want is, to hear whisper as loud as normal voice, and have toooo loud shreeks and sound effects limited …
thanks for all advice of how to use Ratio, Atk Rel Thrs RAT Gain Mix, and whether 1 compressor or 2 is best … btw where is the limiter? ooh there is none? …looks like i have to buy a KaossPad Mini ;-)[/quote]
so here are my settings:
RMS 15
atk 15
rel 100
thrs 100
rat 120
gain 40
mix 120

got a lot of hiss and noise unfortunately

hope to have mumble as loud as squeeks and annoying laughter and shouting into microphones (from the youtube show that i looove)