Elektron analog keys issues

hi, i need help with my analog keys. i’ve recently purchased on second hand and i’m having a lot of problems with it so i would like to understand if its my fault or if there’s something wrong with the ak.
when i record something on track one, and then i move to track 2, while playing i notice that whenever i touch the keyboard the track one stops playing or it goes at very low volume. another issues that i’m having is that from the main output the volume for example of a kick track tend to fade volume and then go back. i’ve already updated to the last os. please help me and sorry for my bad english!

Neither sound like real issues, but rather related to specific settings

Look into polyphony settings for your first issue

Your second issue probably relates to the way the kick is synthesized (a resonant filter)

Both issues are covered and explained in topics that you can search for

Welcome to the forum, get familiar with the search though …

e.g. for issue two

thank you, the problem is that i’ve checked all the poly settings and nothing changes

As ever, save your project and open a new empty one (also disconnect everything except a means to listen) then see if the issue remains.

If not go back into the old project and get familiar with all the settings that may be different to default