Effects conditional?

ok, just got my new OT and trying to learn my way around it

one thing that is odd is that all the effects that are listed in the manual are not showing up on my OT

I did do an OS update to the latest version

is there a setting or something that may prevent certain effects from showing up…i.e. echo/freeze?

delay and reverb are only on FX2

yes, I saw that in the manual, they aren’t showing up there though

so you’re saying LoFi is the last effect on both FX blocks? o.O

there are more than that but the list seems quite a bit different than what is listed in the manual

Fyi, echo/freeze are techniques using the delay effect, not distinct FX.

Also, your FX list looks perfectly normal.

yeah we had a miscommunication, I think. Your list looks like mine, and as Allerian said, there’s only one delay.

ok, so the names just differ from what is in the manual?

that would explain my confusion :slight_smile:

If I would have bothered reading the change log that came with the 1.25B update I would have seen that the list was reorganized with different naming on 1.22 to 1.25

sorry about that