Editing long samples

A lot of my samples are recorded into Octa with one shots due to long passes. These are mostly set to loop on.

When it comes time to clean up the end of the sample so it loops properly I have a problem. As far as i know i play the sample and wait for the end so i can see where to adjust. Then play the sample to see if it is right (from the beginning again) and so on…

This can be tedious with long samples. Am i missing something here? Is there no way of setting a playback point without altering the start point? Do I have to create a slice for this?

Any light on this much appreciated.

Could you not use a spare pattern with a trig to start playback near the end, and edit while that’s looping? Alternatively, a favourite trick with the Roland SP machines is to set the sample to reverse, so you can edit the end at the start.

I’ve not done much long sample editing on the OT, so I’m not sure how workable these ideas are, but it’s where I’d start if I was trying it.

On the MPC I always recorded a bit more than the loop I wanted, put the startpoint on the loop after the one needed and then just deleted that bit. All that remains is all that’s actually wanted :wink:

Thanks for your responses.

The thing here is that due to the looping sample, after a couple of loops the sample goes out of time if not perfectly edited. It is not pops etc that I am looking for.

So I need to hear the last couple of bars before the sample begins its’ loop.
The suggestions here don’t allow for that.

What would solve this is a FUNC + E encoder type function to allow the user to start playback from a chosen point in the sample. No having to change Start, End and Loop points, with the ability to edit long samples in Octatrack without numerous time wasting attempts.

If anyone else can chime in here with a solution please do so…