Edit chord individual note length?

Is it possible to edit the trigger length for individual chord notes?

Donā€™t think so unfortunately.

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No can do.

thanks. thatā€™s too bad.

I think you can kind of cheat it with micro timing and have two triggers near the same starting point, giving you different end points for a few groups of notes in pretty much the same starting point. Not a perfect solution but I have done some stuff like this with midi poly on the digitakt.


Yup thatā€™s what I ended up doing.

Thereā€™s still plenty of space on the ā€œAdd noteā€ view so hopefully they will implement individual note length with a future update.

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Iā€™m pretty sure the new 1.30 update has individual trig length in a certain record mode !

It definitely doesnā€™t, Iā€™m afraid. The new record modes are just different ways to input notes into exactly the same sequencer.


Oh I guess I misinterpreted this video wrong ?

My bad would be a great feature because I can easily extend chord length in my GBA nanoloop 2 software !

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Yes, for sure. Being able to ā€˜strumā€™ chords or else have individual note lengths would be great, but I imagine it would massively difficult to implement with the current Elektron workflow. If I want the above techniques, I tend to feed my Elektrons midi notes from Ableton Live instead. Thereā€™s always a solution to be found, like your Nanoloop example :slightly_smiling_face:

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But so on paper Iā€™m thinking I could extend the note length or shorten it with a P-lock on the digitone ? Is this not possible ? Lol

You can do that with the whole chord, sure. Letā€™s say four notes in total for argumentā€™s sake. But it is impossible to have a long root note play twice as long as the other three without retriggering all of them again halfway through the first chord. Does that make sense? But OP wanted different notes lengths for each of the four notes. I.e. Trigger a chord of four notes, have one play 8 steps, another one 7, another 6, another 5, for example :slightly_smiling_face:


Ohhh lol :joy: Iā€™m cool with all 4 notes having the same length ! Op can just send midi from ableton right ?