Duolingo club

Anybody use duolingo to practice a second language?

I am enjoying their bots and ‘AI’ approach to learn, but the clubs and competitive side require real human interaction. Anybody into studying french? I started a group and can send you info, my friends back home don’t need or want to join and the people out here are the reason I use these apps! XD

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Not sure if you’re English or not, but the correct way to speak to johnny foreigner is to talk louder and slower!


No, I am not English. I get the slow and loud part, but Johnny Foreigner?? I guess I am the Johnny Foreigner over here and french canadiens are way to nice to talk loud to me :wink:

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Haha sorry it’s a silly English way to say someone from another country, but with a knowing nod to our (horrific) imperial days. Imagine a very English accent saying it.

On subject- aren’t Rosetta stone the big dogs when it comes to this stuff?

Duolingo is completely free and expanding on interaction, brain memory tricks and basic AI! As a nerd :nerd_face: I prefer that to a more traditional and paid course on my phone.

Fair play. I’d much rather use something that makes me interact in a way that appeals, and when it’s free its even better!

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Great resource. Thanks for sharing, brushing up on a little Norsk to keep up with my bi-lingual son :thup: