SOLVED - dumb midi routing question

i have a trademark dt / dn combo

the dt is the master clock / sends program/transport changes / can mute dn’s tracks etc and while i know this is not necessarily relevant, the dn’s audio runs through the dt

i would like to use a midi keyboard to play notes and chords on the dn without compromising this setup- so far i’ve been able to use this routing:

(keyboard -> dt midi in -> dt midi thru -> dn midi in)

but then the dt no longer mutes tracks or sends clock and program/transport changes

is there a way to use the keyboard to play notes on the dn while still using the dt as the (somewhat) brain of the dn?

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Midi Thru is only passing midi data “Thru” what is received at the Midi IN.
You need to have the “Midi OUT” of DT going to the DN to get master clock / sends program/transport changes etc.
Is the DT capable of having incoming midi, and sending that through the OUT?
In other words the DT have a Midi Track so the keyboard is actually playing the Midi notes on the DT and the DT is sending that to the DN?

I imagine it does have this capability.
I’m guessing the DT has midi tracks that you can record incoming keyboard data, and then that data is sent to the DN using the OUT port.

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I would try to use a MIDI Track on the DT to send on the DN Autochannel.


the dt receives the notes from keyboard as the appropriate midi tracks light light up when keys are pressed- for some reason this midi info is not passed to the dn though

You are probably missing some preference setting somehwere

yeah i figured it was user error but was wondering if anyone had any specific experience with this and had a routing solution

If it’s receiving midi it should send it out as well.
I don’t have either of these but I imagine it’s similar to other elektrons.
Is there a setting somewhere, like a preference to make sure Midi Out Port is sending on Midi, or Midi + USB and not just USB?


this is the one I used. simplest to understand and if you don’t need clock sent back to the keyboard it’s ideal.

it’s actually so simple it’s counterintuitive. I was thinking myself into a box but this works so I stopped questioning it. I run dt into dn just because I like the overdrive and effects but the audio routing won’t make any difference, if you prefer the compressor stick with that.


With this setup, though, all the sequences are on the DT. Is that what the OP wants?


it’s how I use it when it’s just the 2 boxes. mutes are on the first 4 midi tracks of dt. dt midi tracks are 4 voice poly so it doesn’t kill the dn.

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this is exactly what i needed, thank you so much

much love to this community, you all are the best


If they are needed on the DN you just record the data on the DN I think.
It is a way to get the keyboard thru to the DN


for midi set up I basically just used eaves example and added the keystep using the slow haste method.

edit: I don’t know what your midi keyboard is but it doesn’t matter if it’s a keystep, the slow haste method should be simple and work the same.