Dub Chords


I want to create a sound pack for myself: Dub Techno Chords and stabs !

On Analog Four mainly

(but I also own Digitone, but am noob for FM so use other’s sound packs there…)

…so as a beginner, I’d like to ask you how to create classic dub chords on A4 (and Digitone)? Are there good introductionary videos and texts online? On Youtube, there is barely a handful.

Any tips would be appreciated! Even if it’s a course you could buy on Udemy and so on…


If you’re gonna go down the sound pack route I vote that you download all the free stuff then search chords on the a4 and you’ll get a few golden ones that have popped up on countless records I’ve heard - delete all the others and reverse engineer the ones that you like

Thanks! Could you suggest one that you know? Sound pack for A4. Perhaps the Spontaneous Chords on elektron.se?

I think that’s a paid one
I got what I needed from the free selection!

Previously on Elektronauts; :slight_smile:


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