I have just purchased one of these (thanks BryanTalbot!) and I am liking it a good deal, notwithstanding some quirks and a somewhat less immediate sequencer. Goes nicely with the A4 and OT, although so far I have yet to string MIDI cables between them, just playing stuff by hand and listening to the sonic variety.
Make sure you have the latest firmware and hook it up to a Midi keyboard and play it like a 4 oscillator, 6 voice polysynth! It sounds incredible. It might be the thing to push me over the edge to get one.
If you have a mixer, use 3 of the voice outs for percussion, and the main outs for synth sounds. Assign low freq percussive sounds to voice 1, mid to voice 2 (like snare/claps) and hi to voice 3 (hats).
Now you still have 3 voices for chords, and overlapping freqs are cut off automatically.
Also be aware of some of the shortcuts:
shift + shape selects a different group on the digi oscs ( latest firmware only)
in step mode, shift + copy + (source pad) then destination pad copies bars. When pressing pad 8 it extends the bars to 8 per pattern
Oooh, those are handy - thanks. I haven’t installed 1.2.12 yet, gonna do that tomorrow and download a bunch of the other sounds from the DSI forum - not too impressed by the factory sounds overall but I was quickly able to craft others. It is a nice deep instrument, will be nicer when they get around to doing a proper MIDI implementation etc.
Meanwhile, I’ve overcome the lack of freerunning LFOs (a bizarre omission…) by connecting the Analog 4 CV outs to the footswitch ins, with the A4 set to output 3.3v. This works a treat!