DSI Prophet 12 Module price

I brought this up in another unrelated topic so thought I should move it. I’m contemplating saving up for a P12 module but here in Australia the price is going to come close to $3000. Seems really overpriced for essentially a 12 digital voice synth with 2 analog filters , Overdrive and delay. I realize that specs aren’t everything but in comparison to other products it seems overpriced.

Yeah I think it’s too expensive too. The high price is also due to the fact that every voice has its own set of filters, so there are effectively 24 filters on board.

If it were me, I’d made a prophet 6 module, so they could have dropped it in price drastically and even have budget left for a knobbier interface.

A Prophet 6 would be more ideal. 24 filters seem more appropriate for the price. Sounds the business.

For what it’s worth to you Jo,

The Prophet 12 really is a different DSI from what I heard after going through a lot of the presets and tweaking a bit. And keep in mind I have never liked most of DSI except for a couple Mopho and Poly Evolver sounds.

Though that digital harshness most people associate DSI with is still somewhat noticeable, it had some really nice 12 voice unison mode patches, that were as fat and booming/slamming as a Jupiter 8 if not fatter… and made you really forget it was DSI at all at times. All 12 voices light up at the same time on the panel in unison mode and it really is a cool experience to play with that kind of power/sound from a machine.

It had a very different unique sounding set of string and pad sounds, as well as some very pretty high tone bells and plucked timbres that I have not heard from any other machine available up until today. I would like to get the module at some point and I hope it is all I heard those first few times.

You could always wait it out until the price drops


Semitone, I’ve liked what I’ve heard in the demos and I really like the interface of the module. The harshness is what’s kind of attracting me to it especially the girth and air sections as well as the waveforms.

Ya it was kind of a neat box, so small and light for a 12 voice.
I think the fact that it is the only thing like it on the market is what brings about that price.

But ya I’m with you, a lower more affordable price would be great.

Really was ridiculously light and easy to pick up with one hand, but felt solid.[url=“http://s202.photobucket.com/user/vjthefuture/media/IMG_6190.jpg.html”]

Wow is quite thin isn’t it. I like that it’s thin. My gear lust will not permit me to not get one I think.

I loved my P08 and initially sold it to fund a P12. But I’m not sure anymore because of the price. The P08 keyboard and module lost quite a bit in value and can be bought 2nd hand for fair prices. So I hope the same thing will happen to the new generation.

Ya, I liked that it was thin too.

I think the price is outrageous, and it is not worth it. It actually just makes me shake my head at DSI… maybe if there was an Elektron-like step sequencer integrated into it… that would make it much more attractive.