Hi, my MD mk II non UW is without the + drive
I find this a real handicap,
On the other boxes i can change project, but without the + drive im confined to 1 project for live use
I have a few questions
1 presumably the “snapshot” sytem is just like projects, i could have 128 projects with different kits?
2 the + drive upgrade is 360€ and involves sending it to sweden, (from france) thats a lot of dough, i saw someone get one of ebay and do it himself, but that seems A hard to come by, and B difficult
It seems to me i could sell my MD for 600€, and buy a + drive model for 800€ (ish) which would work out cheaper
Has anyone done the + drive upgrade?
Do you think its overpriced?
Also i’d prefer to get the Rhythm, but dont have the €€€ or the $$$$ or the ££££
But right now being stuck with one project SUCKS!!!
When i met the same question… i sold my old good MD (650€) and bought a MD uw+, second hand, in perfect condition (less than one year) for 900.
It was a good deal. Easiest than send mine and wait…
I’m very Happy since. The drive is really confortable.
yes. you also get 128 samplebanks if your machine is UW which is the reason i went for it - the samplebanks are also independent of each snapshot so you can essentially cover samples of pretty much every vintage drum machine ever made, if thats your thing.
I got my MDUW mkii upgraded when the + drive first came out. Cost me $500 AUD at the time just to get the + drive (ouch) - nowadays you are much better off to sell your old machine and look for a good second hand +drive unit, especially since a bunch of ppl will be selling off their MDs to fund Rytm’s
i assume HQ keeps the price up on purpose, so customers either pay for the non +drive 1000 Silver Coin version, or 1450 for the +Drive … and then HQ has much much less work and hassle and units shipped in for after sales upgrades
cost for shipping 30 x 2 (two way)
cost for labout =20 min max (i asuume) = 20
cost for +Drive = 5, maybe 10
=total with shipping less than 100 dollar euro yen pound sloti
then elektron would make a shit load of loss and not sell any of the md uw+ units …