+ drive formatted on accident

How can I restore all sounds I had before the upgrade to 1.1b? All my banks are now empty. I don’t mean my custom sounds either. Any help is much appreciated.

I think I found the answer to my question- I did a factory reset and the new bank sounds were restored. I presume i can upload the sounds from the previous OS via sysex found on the files page of this forum. Am I missing anything else I may have deleted with the exclusion of my custom sounds?

Hi i havent yet updated due to being too busy
But also by fear that i’lll lose all my work

When you update does all your existing work disappear?
Ive made backups using C6
but ive never tried to retrieve anything…

Yes, when you update, all your existing work disappears, but if you’ve made backups with C6, you can restore them back, no problem there…
To restore them where you want them, once you have updated the firmware, go to :
-> Global menu ([FUNCTION]+[GLOBAL] on the mini keyboard)
-> SysEx Dump
-> SysEx Receive
There you can select what and where you want to receive : kits & sounds can go into projects & soundpool, you can select into which +Drive banks to put the sounds, etc. Quite flexible. Don’t be afraid, the new OS is really much better organized and powerful !

Thanks for the info Costo :joy: