+Drive absolutely necessary?

I realize the MD benefits from the +Drive due to UW, but what about the Monomachine?

I found an MnM MKII for an excellent price, but it lacks a +Drive upgrade.

I’ll be using the unit for some studio use, but mostly for a live set.
The +Drive upgrade sounds like it benefits from snapshots, but since it appears that you have to load them like Sets or Projects in the OT which stops playback it wouldn’t be that helpful in a live setting.

So is it that huge of a benefit if I decide to go without it?
Can someone explain the benefits or if I’m wrong in my assumptions.

It’s not the same as Octatrack - from the MnM manual:

Change Snapshots during a live performance for a completely new session. Load a fresh
Digibank to try out a new set of DigiPro user waveforms together with your currently active
Snapshot patterns and kits. A Monomachine featuring a +Drive gives you room to experi-
ment. All Monomachine models can be upgraded with a +Drive.

I have an already +Drive equipped MM…I really desire it on my MDuw.

Answer to thread title: YES! =)

even if

in a live situation maybe it is not that necessary…
i mostly use MM in studio and having multiple-fast-access Digibanks is gorgeous for the sound palette.

Sorry if i ask…how much does it cost?
Because i paid mine €650…and +Drive upgrade costs a bit too much imo…PLUS shipping…

There is a quick function (FUNCTION button held with some, other, button) for changing Snapshots while playing, but you’ll have to reference the manual for the full text on that. I know it exists though.

How good is this deal on the machine you found? The +Drive gives you waaaay more space than you will ever need, which is nice if you use a ton of patterns and a lot of tracks for your set, and just for having so much room that you never worry about filling up space with “unusable” material. But you may not need more than what the non +Drive machine is already capable of holding.

The User Waves are cool for changing the basic tone and timbre of the two internal synth machines that utilize them, but from my experience, the results aren’t that mind blowing most of the time (but I’m no pro either). The ability to load your own User Waveforms is very cool, but maybe not that cool, if the machine you are looking at is a really good deal. I haven’t owned one, but I bet an MnM without a +Drive will still blow your hair back! Depends on how good this deal is!

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I have the same problem。
$740 used sfx60 without tax(I’m in china)
$1170 sfx60+

Do it. That’s a great deal, and if you end up needing the +Drive, you can either send it in for an upgrade, or easily resell it. You will love it, I promise!
Not having the +Drive doesn’t mean the sfx60 isn’t still a beast. After owning a sfx60+ for about five months now, I can say that the ability to load user waves is not a ‘make it or break it’ feature. The extra working space of the +Drive is nice, but not that important unless you’re playing big live sets all the time.

I really need the +drive. I’m doing a lot of songs with the MnM and it quickly eats up patterns. Just can never justify the $ when there is so much stuff to buy

Agreed, as much as I’d like to have the +drive, it’s just so expensive. I just try to consistently back the monomachine and go from there.

I just purchased a Monomachine off of Ebay without the + Drive…I dont play live and I just use it for my own personal studio…no big projects…my question is will I miss out if I dont hwve that + Drive?..I mean, does it add more sounds to the unit? Or is it simply just storage space…if its just storage space, is it possible for one to still this unit without the plus drive?

The +Drive adds Snapshots - each snapshot being a full set of patterns, kits, global settings, and Digibanks (waves for the DigiPro machines). So you can easily swtich from one snapshot to another without doing any sysex stuff.

So, you can have a snapshot for playing live, a snapshot for messing around at home, a snapshot for jamming with friends.

oh ok,thanks for the info. I guess i’m not missing too much then. i’m seems like something i don’t need to create Music…i don’t play live and my indoor studio is pretty simple.
