Dreams about gear

i had a dream last night that i bought the new black Model:Cycles Mk2

it had sampling, new analog machines, and master fx like the syntakt

i dont rremember if it had like a silver or gold outline around the all black track pads or something, but there was a “pimp my ride” type of automotive detail to the faceplate, except much more classy.

i do remember that the manual that came with it was an actual bible. it wasnt technically hardcover, but you know those bibles that have the sort of suede black cover? then the pages had the dark silver outer edge trim instead of gold sort of like this:

it came with two manuals that looked like that. one was a “programming” manual that had code reference and examples, sort of like that alessandro cipriani Max Msp sound design book

so maybe you could program/script your own machines and effects

i dont remember anything else. except that playing it sounded powerful like a maxell ad and that it had a more detailed screen, but i think it was the same size and shape. maybe a little larger with a slight blue tint. i wish i remembered more than just the colors but i dont think my brain came up with much else at the time



I just woke up from a nightmare! It was awful. I had all this gear but instead of using it, I was on this forum. Wait a minute……


A couple of days ago I had a dream where I came home and there was a package with Octatrack waiting for me. I had this thought in my head that I would finally check how much truth there is in the fact that it is a difficult gear. When I opened the box it turned out that the Octatrack is made of two parts. One larger, where the screen, buttons and crossfader were. And the second, detachable front one, where the battery and speakers were. It seems that my mind in a dream mixed up the Octatrack with the Akai mpc live. :happy:


I dreamt the other week that I picked some wild asparagus and while I was later looking at them I saw that the stems had thorns like that of a rose bush.


I honestly have these “find the holy grail of video game cartridges stashed in some shop” dreams every 6 months or so, and have since I was a teenager. Usually for me they’re Atari Lynx cartridges.


I would be embarrassed by dreams about gear, like finding out that my priorities skewed.

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it is embarrassing, yes. dreaming about possessions. then being sad when you wake up

I dreamed that Westbam was showing me how to program a 303 in his kitchen.

Wonder what my brain is trying to tell me.

I dreamt I had talent the other night.

Woke up in a sweat.


I dreamt that Thomann accidentally leaked text from a product description that mentioned “syntakt uw”


I just dreamed I could control pitch and other parameters on my gear using my guitar’s whammy bar, like the Octatrack’s crossfader.

Two days later, I think I might have worked out how to do it IRL, with Ableton.


I sleep listening to music with headphones on most nights and one time dreamt an oscilloscope.
That’s all there was.
Not a machine I mean, but all I saw was a green waveform moving with the music and it was awesome. Like a dream visualizer.


my dreams are either about busted up dirty bathrooms, or driving fast, and losing control and going into a long uncontrolled skid. Stress related to my job is 100 percent responsible for that. I can retire in less than 4 years. I count the days.

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…i had some weird panic dreams about loosing my mbp…which is simply the most powerful sonic toolkit all in one i’ve ever had at my disposal…and that said, even given the fact that i had always great/best gear and euqipment to work with…but since silicon cpu power and the fact that all sorts audio processing can’t bother these machines anymore, pretty much no matter what u throw at them, is pretty amazing as it is depressing…since at least some kind of limitation was always also a great source of inspiration, too…

and when it comes to almost 4 decades of actively overlooking and making use of next level progress in all sorts of sonic tools/instruments/ways to produce and get things going, it all leaves me a little frustrated how easy, inflationary and common all this became lately…
and so my day and wetdreaming about this or that machine or next step forward has totally come to a full stop…now i really want it all or nothing…let me talk to my daw, let my daw and gearpark become a studio full of independant and full fledged pro audio engineers, so i can be “just” the producer, sitting in the corner, thinking out loud where to go from here and what to do next…

i sing a little phrase for bass…i mumble a little lead line…i say what tempo and judge any arrangement progress in realtime without touching it with my hands…it’s all just progressing and coming to life while i speak, sing little ideas and ask for this and that and whatnot else until i say oook, that’s a wrap…next…


There’s this psychology thing called the Tetris Effect (recently it seems taken by an actual Tetris game I’ve just learnt) where your brain gets so used to an activity it starts reordering the world to fit this activity in dreams and I suppose in the worst cases outside of dreams: Tetris effect - Wikipedia

I used to have it a lot when doing front end web development work when I’d have dreams where I was moving round furniture and solving problems with CSS statements.

Yesterday after staying up late after kid and partner had gone to bed to play the OB6 I got some half-conscious dreams where I was adjusting LFOs to change things and the whole world was operating in some series of cyclical patterns with one LFO affecting another and all sorts.

Anyone else had this?


That’s actually the case :wink:


Ha, it’s like that film Colossal where she’s remotely a monster destroying things. We’re actually changing everything with our Digitakt trigs and LFOs.

When I was younger and was in a place where I could smoke cannabis and play too much Katamari Damacy, I had a couple of dreams about rolling everything up.
I’d even catch myself during the day imagining how to roll up the environment around me starting from the smallest to largest objects.

I’ve heard of people doing this Tetris effect with games like the Witness too where they see puzzles in lines on surfaces.

Yay, mild hallucinations!


vaguely reminiscent of phantom phone syndrome, or maybe it’s more accurately called phantom vibration syndrome, where people believe their phone has gone off in either their pocket or on the nightstand because of physiological or psychoacoustic hallucinations that manifest as a sense of vibration.