Does the octratrack dps " 1" specification means that a Dps 2 will come out sometime ? Also If you know someone Who sells a ot Dps 1 let me know thanks.
I wouldn’t let names of machines indicate whether or not a second version will come out: example, if it was simply called “DPS” and I was Elektron and wanted to release a second version, I’d call it “DPS Mk II”…OR as Elektron, I might decide that “DPS 1” will live on for all eternity, without a “DPS 2”…you just never know what’s in the mind of another human (or marketting department)!
After mrdataline called his recent video leaked , i mean song. It could mean as well dps minus one
what leaked/song video?
+1 -1
Considering how long they have been unable to produce Octatracks due to the current “manufacturing delay”, there might as well be a DPS-2 on the way.
it’s pretty common for music gear to have numbers with no real meaning or order. yamaha gx1, op1 or mpc 60, 3000, 2000, 5000, 1000, 2500? haha.
it probably coulda been called the dps-0 or dps-X