Where can I find the pre 1.1 os download pages ? Do any of you have the .syx file ?
That’s 1.1 if i’m not mistaken, i’m looking for older versions of the OS.
That’s 1.1 if i’m not mistaken, i’m looking for older versions of the OS. [/quote]
ups sorry you mean like 1.06?
Yeah that’s what i was looking for, thank you very much
I’d like to know the reason for downgrading the a4. Could you share it?
If you are in 1.1, it’s not possible to downgrading.
you are condemned to stay with your 1.1
I’m also interested to know.
I believe the OP started another thread about an issue regarding the sound of their A4. I’m guessing they are trying to see if loading an earlier O.S. will change anything.
I believe the OP started another thread about an issue regarding the sound of their A4. I’m guessing they are trying to see if loading an earlier O.S. will change anything.[/quote]
Yeah that was my idea. I downgraded then went back to latest and compared at my local music shop with another unit and i think I solved my problem. Not sure if it has anything to do with downgrading and upgrading afterwards