Hello everyone I just purchased my first Elektron product (Machinedrum) and I must say Im hooked for live, while getting a hang on the sample transfer is taking me longer that I expected and perhaps the exesive noise of each clik when ever you apply the softest touch to any button, I must say to those out there thinking it might be to expensive or whatnot you will not regret your purchase it has by far exceded my expectativos, I already started to save for the fourtrack and hopefully will eventually collect all of them, any pointers or suggestions from the pro users will be apreciate it, Im courrently concentrating on playing techno live I would love to get a few sample packs suggestions and also maybe help in how to load the samples located over at the elektron website, for as much i read the manual I cant seem to get the han of it thank you in advance !!
congratulations the machinedrum was my first too to transfer samples yo just need to open the c6 program select in midi input and output of the c6 options the tm1 drag the samples you want to the c6 window then in the machinedrum select the kit where youwant the snapshot where you want the samples and select recive option then press send on the c6 and its done
I just got one too! I can recommend Justin Valer’s 808 and 909 kits. They kick ass and it’s cool to see how other people put kits together.
@Reptilazio thanks I will following your steps, !!
Welcome on board.
you just bought a wonderfull dfum machine. Don’t forget to have a look to FX, contrll machine and midi.
the most important : havfun tweaking
I’ve been using mine for over 2 years, and I’m still finding out new things. It was my first piece of gear as well. I made tracks exclusively with the MDUW for about 1 year than I’ve added other units. The MDUW acts as the main midi brains for my setup. I have a midi thru splitter and use various midi machines to sequence synths & external drum modules.
Enjoy the purchase.
One other thing I can recommend is read up on Wessen’s Machinedrum tutorials/tips tricks. These really helped me get started.
L8r man,
Samples work fine in the MD, but learning how to create your own drum sounds will give you a lot more control, and give you original flavor (everybody has tired old 808 and 909 sounds). Be brave. Be original!
There are so many hidden and amazing things in the MD. You can make bass sounds, pads, and the MIDI capabilities are great (MD can make chords via MIDI control machine, very easily). It really is far more than just a drum machine.
Ten years old, and the MD still reigns supreme!!!
The LFO’s rock!