Doing more with the Elektron sequencer

I put this in general as each box has slightly different abilities. I personally own an A4 and OT (I sold my md and mnm).

Recently I got into modular and have since been eying up things like the make noise rené or the intellijel metropolis. These sequencers have a few cool features but I’m thinking that the Elektron sequencer is pretty powerful as it is so I’m wondering how I might get more out of it than I do currently.

I know we don’t having things like pendulum mode or random modes but with elektron there are always work around.

So! Question is how do you use the sequencer? How do you get it sounding more dynamic, less repetative? Help me stop lusting after the rené when I already have so much power at my finger tips.

I’ve been using Cirklon a lot this year & find myself constantly comparing it with the Elektrons. The Cirklon can do all kinds of different pattern directions & a lot can be emulated by the Elektons with a little thought.
Alternate (ping pong), for eg can be achieved by plotting steps 1-16 & in reverse on steps 17-32.
Pendulum could be done in a similar fashion but by dropping steps in the scale setup.
P.locking an LFO to vol on some steps can introduce a random element! P.lock them all with a square wave for random. Constantly change scale length to get a pseudo Brownian effect!

Not used Rene or pressure points & dare not!!! I’m falling heavily in love with this Euro modular stuff, particularly Make Noise. Just spent 2 hours with STO feeding it 2 seq at the same time, whilst striking Optomix with yet another seq, unbelievable :slight_smile:

On the MD, the inputs can be used as triggers of sounds and midi machines. Sending a mix of percussion through a filter to the inputs, then using the filter to bring out different sections of the percussion mix along with playing with the trigger sensitivity to determine if every sound of the input signal triggers or just the loud hits. This ends up triggering internal md sounds or external midi gear or sending a cv trig (if you have a UW, I don’t, I imagine it can get over the top crazy triggering sampling and playback). The on the fly variation is superb. Try it with and without the input source in the audio mix.

Awesome tips man thanks. I’ll give them a try.
I just spent the evening playing with my STO as well. Still waiting on an optomix though (maybe the month after next).
The thing that has me with the rene is being able to feed separate clocks on the X and Y. and all those fun modes. I guess a lot of rene stuff might be achievable with the arpeggiator.
I was never into sequencers until I got my modular and saw all the awesome stuff around.

Wish I’d tried that when I had mine. Wowzer!