Does undo clear pattern works?

Does undo clear pattern works?

I’m trying to re-clear but nothing happens.

there seems to be some nuances to whether this works in the way you might expect - i couldn’t find the earlier threads on this via the forum search, but googling for those might reveal the right two - it’s possible, but not clear, that you need to undo before the pattern restarts from 1, whether it is 16 or 64 long, tricky for short patterns - see if that makes a difference and check those previous posts

That’s another one of those user friendly man-machine interface features - I also opened a ticket on that one about a year ago - you can guess what I was told. I encourage you yo also open a ticket so they realise that it needs attention.

Thanks for the tip Avantronica.

I’ll do open another ticket.

I just will wait till they answer my ticket regarding the bug on the OT Arranger, with this bug solved I will able to work with the OT as It has thousands of patterns instead of 256.

@gbravetti - we’re gonna be friends on the OT forum soon too :wink:


About to order an OT soon maybe?

About to order an OT soon maybe?[/quote]
almost sorted : clearing the space as we speak (clearing the appointments calendar too, it’ll take time) !!! #bringontheduotron


Awesome! :slight_smile:

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Oooh, that would explain how I lost one of my best tracks one day despite clicking the combo again and seeing “UNDO CLEAR” and since then am very afraid to go near the clear button :stuck_out_tongue:

Now I sample my patterns on the OT so I have at least a digital copy (and so I can destroy it with slices and the crossfader… So much fun ;))

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I know this is terrible outdated but you can always perform a Reload pattern even if clear undo doesn’t work. Just avoid changing patterns or turning Off On the unit or the cleared pattern will be permanently saved.


You mean lost ? The previously saved pattern can be reloaded ?

This saved me on Rytm the other day. Cleared pattern on accident, did some other stuff, then realized I cleared and then couldn’t undo…

Luckily Rytm autosaves a restore point for the pattern when you leave it, so yeah since I didn’t leave the pattern I could perform a pattern reload and got it back!

But yeah if you leave the pattern it will save your restore point as empty…

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Yes, if you don’t change to a different pattern you can always reload the last saved state. Remember that changing pattern or turn the unit off activates auto save.