Documenting AR features

Until there is a manual out, please let’s collect here things we figured out that are not in the quick start guide.

Setup Performance/Scene modes:

[li]Click the Perf or Scene button top left.[/li]
[li]FUNC + and a pad brings to the menu the Perf/Scene mode menu. You can see how many locks there are etc.[/li]
[li]Pressing a PAD and adjusting a parameter records it in the scene.[/li]
[li]Use Clear/Clear all to reset.[/li]

Here’s my “scan” of the manual:

thanks for the pics!

it’s mentioned that you can use TRIG SETUP to define the default behviour of trigs… such as, whether sample / synth are trigged.

does this serve as a template? i.e., if you set it up to only trig the sample, can you then still enable the synth with p-locks for single steps? or does it disable the synth for good?