Do you rate the AR's BASIC sounds and if not, why not?

The sarcasms not necessary. You know I know what a save function is.

We’ve all got to be nicer to each other online. We’re all behaving in ways that we wouldn’t behave face to face. I’m not singling you out. I do it too. But surely we’ve got to police one another to some degree?

I’m not looking for a preset machine at all but I do think there’s a balance to be made between immediacy and depth. I’m really excited by the AR.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Peace and love x

Well you could argue sarcasm comes from an angry place. My point is neither has much to do with drum machines. When I don’t understand somebody I ask them to explain themselves differently or I just move on.

The Collider app on iOS is the best demonstrator for what can be done with the Rytm.
Thanks to @mekohler