Do you make music that you enjoy listening to or do you make music that you enjoy making?

I can’t make the music I listen to (Quavo, Takeoff, Tool, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, and 70s and 80s R&B and funk)

But I love making techno and house. I do go back and listen to my old jams but they’re not in any of my playlists on my Spotify. I’m on Spotify.

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I’ve heard your sound design. It’s excellent. I’m sure you’ll land on a process that gets you the music you want. IMO it’s definitely the lengthier process to get to (over the sound design portion), but it’ll happen.

We have both kinds! :wink:

Flamenco Techno is Techno all made on a nylon string guitar. Techno Flamenco is Flamenco made on Elektrons, Rolands etc.

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While true, I find that when I attempt to emulate someone else’ style, I can never quite get 100% there, and inevitably feel like they possess some type of genius that I don’t quite understand. Even though they are just people, their brains work differently, even within a similar musical aesthetic.

When I write music with only a rough goal or less in mind, and just go with it, the track turns out infinitely better than the former, and then I end up listening to it later, almost thinking the same thing, like how do I get back to that state of mind. :smiley: Never can quite emulate myself either. Hehehe.


It is an interesting idea, that I should try to make more ambient music while not always having the… state of mind to want slowly shifting textures without having ADHD beats slamming into them nonstop.

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I don’t wanna emulate. I can do that, well, more like copy. I wanna make something I like, and it would sit somewhere in that area of styles I mentioned. I wanna make music that I like. I could care less if no one likes it. The problem I have is, when making stuff…it steers away from where I wanna go. I just hate it. Flat out hate it.

I make music to deal with my anxiety issues, not sure if thats enjoyment but it works better than benzo’s(most of the time). If I can sell it thats great, but I mainly need to chill out and thats what it does.


If I wasn’t making music, I’d be doing some other method of manual, tactile activity (still prefer groovebox twiddling even if I’m using VSTs a good amount!)

One of my favorite alternatives over the last several years was helping cut and paint thousands of flowers for a dancer’s costume. I’d do more woodworking if but for the space…


Liberating isnt it?

Once I realised I had way more fun just doing what makes me happy, rather than questioning if people will like it… the game changed, and that album I made in 22 was the result.


I get a lot more compliments on music that I just make on the fly because I’m feeling inspired (regardless of genre) than when I have a goal in mind from the start, but wasn’t necessarily just going where the inspiration took me.

Typically the best “method” for me, is to sit down, design a sound that I like, and just start building something from there. Usually a big loop, then copy, paste, subtractively edit, then go back and add changes, sprinkles, candy coating, etc. afterward. Inevitably the genre changes part way through, because I decide that that initial sound works better in say, a break, instead of techno, or in space music instead of house. (or whatever…)

Very rarely going in with a mission works out nicely, but most of the time, I either stop part way in, or it changes wildly from where that mission was initially headed. If the creative progression was natural though, and not forced in any way, that’s when things turn out well. Then I just have to accept that I made something better, that wasn’t what I initially wanted, and try again another time.


As long as you do though, fuck those people :laughing:


Who knows, maybe the utes will dig it!