Do songs get backed up when backing up projects?

Backing up everything before I send my digitakt to get repaired and was wondering if songs were included in project backup files. It seemed like no… but I’ve got some "complicated " songs saved and it would suck to loose them because they have more data related to mutes than just "repeat pattern x 10 times).

Figuring that because song mode is fairly new that it’s not getting backed up.
Any experience with this?

There is nothing (even in the transfer manual) that explicitly states songs are backed up, but projects are backed up and since a project is like a filing cabinet, a song is just another collection of specific files arranged in that cabinet.

It may be true that the version of transfer from prior to digitakt 1.40 (I think that’s when song mode was originally implemented) may not be compatible with later firmware, but at this point I think a song is just another collection of slots in one of the cabinet drawers and will most likely follow the project.

@Humanprogram probably knows the definitive answer though, and if not maybe @garf ( sorry to tag you guys :smiley: )

I wasn’t really able to piece together the Sysex structure (suspected but couldn’t confirm there was a “song” section), but I do know that when I’ve copied a project, it carries the songs between slots. I would imagine the songs back up as expected in syx or dtprj files, but can’t 100% confirm.

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The song moved between slots though, I think that’s what counts. Thanks.

That’s comforting. Thanks for the thoughts!
I also just took video of my screen while scrolling line by line in song mode on the mutes - So I have documentation that would be very easy to follow if I needed to recreate the song structures for some reason.