Do I need to convert samples before loading into the MDUW?

I’ve been going through my massive sample library and dumping tons of samples onto my MDUW for mangling and programming. However, I find the job of preparing them a pain in the butt. I usually have to convert my stereo samples to mono. Sometimes I drop the sample or bit rate to save space, then I have to trim silences or shorten some so that I can fit more into a kit.

I’ve been using SoundForge and Audacity to do all this editing, but I’m wondering if there is an easier way to do it.

Also, do I need to turn the stereo samples into mono, or will they automatically have that done when transferring and thus not take up as much space?

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Batch conversion:


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16 bit any rate mono is optimal.
I like Reaper (DAW) for batch conversions. Clear interface, free to use with a nag screen.

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Kick ass. Thanks!

I use foobar2000 for all my conversions. Nothing comes close to how much you can do with that program.


Oh dope. I have foobar2000. I’ll try it out.

Oh dope. I have foobar2000. I’ll try it out. [/quote]
Yea for sure - be sure to look into the processing options. That’s where you find even more options for conversion. As I recall things like bouncing stereo->mono is done that way. Other more basic options are on the encoding algorithm pages themselves.

With my RYTM I ended batch converting with Macs native Automator program.
Not to convert rate, but to change similar names, which kept on over writing each other.

I.e bassdrum01 would be over written by a file called bassdrum001

Not sure why ?

I wonder if I can expect the same with the MDUW ? I was using the electron midi dump utility.