Dj performance en utilisant octatrack + rytm + analog four

Bonjour tout le monde :slight_smile:
Je possède une analog rytm mkII et four mkII et je voudrais m’acheter une octatrack pour remixer mes sons sortant de la rytm et de la four en live.

Je veux apporter de la souplesse et de la diversité a mes sons avec l’octatrack comme un dj.
Pensez vous que cela est possible ?
Avez vous d’autres idées ?

Merci beaucoup :slight_smile:

Bienvenue chez Elektronauts! Mon français n’est pas très bon donc je laisse à @sezare56 le soin de répondre. Il est à la fois un expert Octatrack et Français.

Quel genre de musique composez-vous?


Bien sur, c’est conçu pour !
Par contre le forum est en anglais, sauf au bistrot :

Just buy it. There are topics about OT + other gear, and Dark Trinity (OT+A4+AR).

Or be more specific with your questions…:wink:


Translate to English next time please

Thanks a lot in advance !

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Thank you very much for taking the time to respond. : light_smile:

From the octatrack I would like to create drops in a simple way, cut and launch the bass when I want it on my analog rytm and four on the octatrack.
Do you think this is possible?

Moreover, I hesitated to take the sequencer
Pioneer Toraiz Squid which is 500 euros and which seems to be effective for live performance // DJ.

Thank you for your help :slight_smile:

Control AR/A4 mutes in live conditions from OT? Not simple. Easier to control mutes directly on AR/AR. But you can control incoming audio with the crossfader, eventually AR/A4 Perfs with midi CCs, crossfader (with midi processors trickery)…

Not sure if the Squid would help in that mutes concern. It has original features and limitations.
Wasn’t seduced by its specs.

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The OT is not made to be analog 4 and Rytm controler. Nor the Squid.
As @sezare56 wrote, it will be efficient for audio mix and mangling, but you’ll need midi gear and workout to control A4 and Rytm.
Do you know Faderfox controlers. Take a look to faderfox PC12 or MX12 (that had Rytm setup already).