Decided to try using the OT for DJing. Oh my god is it easy and powerful. Cue and track tempo nudge, sampling the live track, plus being able to create your own rhythms and backing sounds with all the tools of the OT - it is amazing and super fun.
Completely agree DuDe…i have a lot of fun meshing and tweaking songs while sampling from them plus processing the sound…huuuuge fun
Video or it doesn’t exist!
I was worried that digital DJing on the OT would pull me away from my vinyl, as it’s so easy and fast, but then I figured out how to sample off the 1210s, and turns out it gives having vinyl a whole new meaning!!!
Try it!!
(use a 1/4" stereo to 2 x 1/4" mono jacks coming out of your DJ mixer’s headphone output into OT inputs, then monitor your headphones from the OT’s headphone outputs. Your DJ mixer’s cue level adjusts the sample level, and anything that’s cued on the DJ mixer can be sampled… )
all of a sudden, those old records have become new weapons to just grab a quick loop from and remix on the fly… omG !!
I really want to do this, but there’s still some aspects of the OT that baffle me. Someone really needs to do tutorial videos on this!
making a demo video of what you can do with OT as dj-decks can be big.
do you need some particular aspects to be covered?
Do you have an OT?
Have you tried this already by yourself?
i just give an advice for now:
using the fader to transition between deck-A and deck-B can involve the XLEV or the XVOL.
• using the XVOL will let your Fx to terminate with its own tail, but you will not be able to listen to the track using the CUE (i would really have this behaviour changed sometime in the future)
• using the XLEV will let you track to be CUEd but will cut the tail of Reverb or Delay…
just an advice
That’s a great idea!
I do have an OT, and the reason I haven’t really looked at using as a DJ box is I wanted to go step by step and learn it as a traditional sampler, then when I felt confident move on to it’s other features (which I feel ready for, kinda)
I have tried it a bit using XLEV between two drum loops which I’ve really enjoyed (stupid, but learning little things like that make me really enjoy it)
For XVOL do you mean the vol param in the Amp page? I’ve found when using that with the fader in the centre both sounds are reduced in volume, but that could be the range I’m assigning.
As for making your video, I wouldn’t mind (and I think lots of others would like) seeing a video from the basics, eg: how to play a long sample, Assigning scenes, maybe how to do this across patterns. Just thinking about people on youtube that may not use this forum or might be completely new to it,
PS: Really like your icon. Happy noodle boy!
It is the parameter that appears for encoder F only when you press a scene button.
About playing long samples (read it: full songs) while using one Part and one Pattern with Tracks in PlaysFree mode and crossfading between them while using sequenced fx you can look at this I did last year.
It shows a specific thing i like to have as option when using OT as DjDecks.
It doesn’t have spoken explanation, only text. And there is not any attempt to show skills, only a possibility for PlaysFree mode and songs (long samples) played outside the sequencer
the video shows HOLD mode for PlaysFree, but you can use any other triggering method. Actually, the issue i mention in the video can be easily overcome using ONE2
^cool vid.
when using the OT for DJing, i like an external dj mixer for doing the actual mixing - easier EQ and gain control, the crossfader scenes are free to do other things than XLEV/XVOL fades.
machine/“deck” A -> OT main -> mixer channel 1
machine/“deck” B - > OT cue -> mixer channel 2
PFL on the mixer
Level XFades on the mixer
EQs on the mixer
i mostly use the mixer of the clubs i play, but that also means i get the questionable honour of pestering the traktor/serato/cd djs to take out their plugs before i play, which i immensely enjoy. never had a problem with the djs using vinyl.
i’ve always felt that it would be great if the machines on the OT were able to behave as vinyl does - tempo dependent pitch.
so i wrote this MMP/Pd patch, which i will shamelessly plug here again (it’s free):
-EDIT: link removed, will be replaced eventually.-
It takes a little time to set up and get acquainted with, but you get repitching, one-touch looping and encoder mapping (for when you are stuck with one stereo-out and need the gain controls of your two DJ EQs on your six encoders)
and yes, there will be a video tutorial for it in the near future.