DJ EQ tips

Anyone want to school me on the DJ EQ?
I’ve never DJ’d so I am not too familiar with the way these normally work.
Sounds a little ridiculous to say but hopefully you understand where I’m coming from.
I’m running the OT in studio mode so everything (and mean everything in my studio) goes into the mixer, then into the OT and gets sampled and messed with there with master FX on track 8.

I want to be able to do some of those cool DJ eq drop outs that are fairly common but I wanna make sure I’ve set it up right… . . . I guess.
Maybe I should just grab a DJ mixer and put it after the OT but I’d like to not do that!

you can’t control two EQs on separate channels simultaneously on the OT itself. (sigh, OT OS feature request no.789: assignable encoders - but see bottom of post too)

ofc you can mix in a track without bass, take out the bass on the old one, then go back to the new track and bring in the bass. but that always leaves you with a ‘basshole’-cheapo-kind-of-mix.

you could also try mapping the eq bass band levels to xfader scenes, but that’s always turned out kind of lame for me, as you lose energy at the center position of the xfader, no matter how clever your XVOL+XLEV transition curve is.

if you don’t mind hooking up an iphone via midi interface, you can use my MMP patch ‘octahack’. it has a subpatch where you can map the OT’s MIDI channel encoder pages to whichever internal parameters.

alternatively, use for example, touchOSC on ipad to make a custom control surface. or a sufficiently programmable hardware midi controller.

…i don’t get the question…

the only difference between a dj eq and other eq’s is just the limitation on thrre bamds…
low, mid, hi…and the option to kill switch these three bands very fast and individually…

means…with one twitch, you can kill kik and bass more or less completely to have the option to start to run another track’s low end instead but keep the rest of the old track running…and vice versa…

same with the other frequencybands…no big deal, really…
the oldest one trick pony in entertainment business…