Distortion pedal for a MAM MB33 (or other 303/clones)

Nice one ! I havn’t seen this one from this dude !

The kokko sounds great! On low resonance I find there is still a range of sound across the frequency knob. That’s what I’m looking for.

I found it for like 23 euros on aliexpress, looks scary to me but…

A V3 is coming , in theory soon , keep his website checked ! I will ask a ETA to the owner if you want , awesome pedal for 303’s

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@DrEvil303 Yes! that would be awesome! I had contacted him about v2 but it was at the start of the pandemic so everything was ???

@Stazma there’s part 2 as well when you’re done with that :slight_smile:

A v3 of which?

There’s a lot of fake stuff on AliExress though…

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I kinda find distortion is pretty subjective and the nudge of an eq goes from Not to Hot.

So for me putting it on an aux send after an EQ is good. Boss G7 pedals in front of the distortion is another way to do the same thing.

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i’m using Korg NTS-1 with Sinevibes Corrosion plugin.
here’s the demo with another 303-like machine — Volca Nubass.


In my experience distorting a synth like a 303 is kind of an exercise in excess. A distortion pedal is made to clip the incoming audio, making a guitar’s spiky and dynamic signal into a compressed square wave-ish signal. When you go to clip a squarewave… well its kind of made of clipping already. I like to use pedals that interact/add a lot more. Especially The Great Destoyer. I don’t think it counts as spam at this point because we no longer make them?


I’ve used a Shiva on my MAM and it was lots of fun. That starve functionality is killer.

Edit: She-Fuzz


@Aen Thank you for this pedal! And all the others that I don’t own…


Sounds good!

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yeah, and it sounds very nice with MB-33, which can go really agressive


Every pedal sounds a bit different and it comes down to taste.
Here are 2 videos i did some years ago. I don’t know if they’re helpful. I only kept the big muff bass Pi, the Sonic Alienator and the Alesis Bitrman out of these.


I’ve got a Geiger counter and never actually put the 303 through it… :thinking:


Try the Dirge Electronics Slowly Melting.

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I’ve got a Geiger counter and never actually put the 303 through it… :thinking:

yyyyyeah that’s a situation you wanna remedy SOON.


I just recorded sort of a sample farming/sound design session with a SheFuzz and Monologue (my most 303 style synth) and yeah, enjoyed that a lot. It’s a shame how little I got to play with synths and distortion while I was busy making synths and distortions for a living :confused:


Yeah I’ve got several monosynths that I like to get 303ish with and I have a propensity for the more extreme sounds. Getting weird with a Noise Swash or something from Trogotronic can be a lot of fun, not the most ‘musical’ or ‘useful’ but that’s where I have my fun.

That looks great. I should know by now not to get involved in pedal threads, I always come out with more for the wish-list.

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