
Just that. If you discover something interesting with the AR post it. Don’t worry if it’s in the manual just say it…

In chromatic mode, hit track plus arrow up and down. You can move up one line instead of one scale.

If you keep pressing the pads in Performance Mode and change to the ‘Mute’-page for example, the changed parameters will remain.
When you go back to the Performance Mode, you can press the active pads once and it will go back to the normal settings.

[FUNCTION] + double click on [RETRIG] will activate the infamous click


edit: just arrow up and down needed, no track.

next: when importing chains; two things:

  1. twelve equal length samples seem to make ‘scrolling’ easy i.e. 1-10 sample one, 11-20 sample two etc…
  2. wave chains are ok. I’ve thrown in a few that were programmed for the OT. I’ve found putting the start/end level on the same number (plus loop on of course) gives a nice synthy sound at first I tried a few numbers difference, then just one, but often the same number gives the best synth wave for me so far.

Same is true for retrig…

Any. Chance to put these chains up for download?

The wave chains are in the OT section already.
Also if you have audacity, it’s super easy to make twelve part chains.
I haven’t made many yet but when I have a few, I will.
I have some decent cs01 samples and also getting the werkstatt someday. Not wave chains though, I’m not so great at that (I could try though).

I think we should start a sample share thread for sure.

ok go to files keyword analog ryrm;

CStabs01: I can’t get it to upload. it’s 30 seconds/60 samples. can anybody figure this out?
cStabs02: 12 seconds/12 samples. it seems to work very well. 1-10 first sample, 11-20 yada yada
cStabs03: 20 seconds/ 40 samples. 40 divided by 120 equals 3 so…
every three seconds there’s a new sample. this almost works well but for some reason, in chromatic mode, the highest bank gives an awful drone and this problem seems to connected to filter somehow.

but yeah multiples of 120 make for nice chains theoretically.
60 by 2
40 by 3
30 by 4
24 by 5
20 by 6
12 by 10

you can only load 2 mb size sample anything more it wont load. so that comes to 23 or 24 sec at 44.1 k 16bit. I found this out through trial and error.

Best tip ever! I have been able to do amazing build ups this way. Thank you!

How do i undo live record automation?

I’m not exactly sure what you’re asking but to reload a pattern to its last saved place press and hold no then pattern (same with kit and track). For trig locks try double click on individual knobs or just clear for the whole trig lock part. For erasing a particular part while recording live press and hold no while holding active track (this is a lot like the sp-404 erase for sequencer record.

@peoplemuver thanks that helped. @benighted I have not been able to reign in the scene\performance mode. I just can’t get anything to sound good from this aspect of rytm yet, which is bummer.

thank you sir


Solo mode!

Go in the Mute menu, hold retrig and press the track pads to play the chosen tracks in solo.

in mute mode, if a track has a trig with retrig (tried with p-locked trigs) it is possible to mute the track so that the last played trig will keep retriggering … mmm…not sure i’ve been clear enough though :expressionless:
basically, if you manage to mute the track at the right time, the trig will keep retrigerring even though the track is muted

That’s not a bug?

It’s more a bug for me, too. Really annoying

mmm…at first i looked at it as a bug but the thing is, you need to mute the track at the right time to get an endless retrig

for me it’s not much of a problem so far…will see if it becomes more of a bugging bug or not :slight_smile: