it’s been a while since i’ve used midi on the md . i’m trying to sequence apps on my iPad. base channel is set 13-16. midi note triggers and clock sync working fine.
how do i stop the controllers on non midi machines from being transmitted ?
You can change the master channel setting to –
Global menu
Base channel
(Clock and transpose are still sent)
Set your device to something other than channels 13-16.
ok thanks man. with midiwrench in the chain i can see that it’s sysex from the master fx panels that’s causing the issue now.
do you know if there’s a way to disable sysex output ?
Not that I know of.
If it is controlling software, how about a midi filter to strip out the sysex before it hits the soft synth.
thanks again. yup, of course… i’ll stick midibridge in the chain…