Digitone Muting Issues

Hi there! I had a bit of a confusing morning when I was playing around with my Digitone today, and I was wondering if someone would be able to point me in the right direction…I made the mistake of holding down FUNC + BANK to toggle between mute modes. The issue is, this muted all the tracks and changed the color of the lights. I tried hitting FUNC + BANK to back out of this again and again, but I could not get any sound to play out of the (complete) pattern that I was already in. It just kept going back and forth between GLOBAL MUTE and PATTERN mute up at the top.

I ended up doing a factory reset, because I couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to undo what I did. Has anyone else ran into this? If so, how do you get the global/pattern mute settings to go back to normal? Thanks in advance for any replies!


I often, accidentally, find myself in that situation. I think the solution has to do with pressing FUNC and double tapping BANK. HTH


Thanks for the reply! This helps a lot, I will have to give it a try.

Sometimes when I enter/use mute mode & try to exit it quickly, I accidently switch between pattern and global mute modes - when my fingers get ahead of myself and I get confused as to what’s going on, I usually exit mute mode then simply press & hold function to see which tracks appear muted

I’m not sure if that’s the exact situation you’re encountering, but something similar that I get tangled in when working quickly

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Hey! Thanks for the reply. The issue I am having is how to turn off global/pattern mute mode. Any advice here?

I guess if it doesn’t turn off by functnion+bank then I’m not sure - sorry to hear that !

Manual p24.

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You just need to return to each mute menu (green and purple respectively) and make sure every track is lit (bright red vs dim red).
Play around with these mute settings, they are extremely helpful for performance and writing sessions.

Also, you really should study the manual. Personally I read all of the Elektron machines’ manuals at least twice before they arrived on my doorstep. Once all the settings/features click, it’s like jazz in the electric banana (brain)

Once your in global or pattern mute you have to hit the track buttons to unmute them! Then leave your mute mode with the Func button.
You may be confused by a track that is both global and pattern mutted - it turns blue (- its pretty :large_blue_diamond:)

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I have been struggling to find a clear explanation of this, and also struggled with it for a while. It’s not intuitive, but I now have a better grasp.

Global Mute
Pressing FUNC + TRACK# will globally mute that track.
A Global Mute means that if you switch from pattern A1 to A2, the mute will carry over. So if track one is muted, it will stay muted when the pattern changes.

  • An unmuted track will be white. It will be red when you press FUNC.
  • If the track is muted, it will be red, or unlit when you press FUNC.

Pattern Mute
Pressing PTN + TRACK# will pattern mute your track. That means it will only be muted while that pattern is playing. If you go from pattern A1 to A2, the pattern mute will not carry over.

I am also pretty certain that the Digitone will store pattern mutes, so you can switch to that pattern and, if the pattern mutes have been stored, will have certain tracks not play automatically without having to use global mute.

  • If a track is Pattern muted, track button is purple.

Combo Mute (my own terminology ha)

  • If something is both pattern and globally muted, the track button will be blue. It will be unlit when you press FUNC.

Mute Mode i find the light colors in mute mode incredibly confusing.

press FUNC + BANK to enter mute mode.
in mute mode, you can mute and unmute tracks without pressing func. you just press TRACK#.

When a track is unmuted, the track button will be solid red when stopped, and will be red and flash white to indicate a trig while playing.

When a track is globally muted (which is achieved simply by pressing the TRACK# in mute mode) the track button will be unlit when stopped, and will flash red to indicate a trig.

Pattern muting will still work in Mute Mode. Things get really confusing when you are working with pattern AND global mutes in mute mode. The light indications aren’t great, and because they are flashing it gets confusing.

Let me try to break down…

If something is pattern muted in mute mode, you will only know by globally unmuting it and then it will flash purple instead of white when it hits a trig. You will not be able to hear it. As before, press PTN + TRACK# to turn the pattern mute off.

If something is pattern muted AND globally muted in Mute Mode, corresponding track button will be unlit and flash purple.

But if you’re confused in mute mode, I suggest you exit by pressing FUNC+PTN. In the regular mode, I find it easier to see what is globally, pattern, or combo muted.

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