Digitone Layers Workflow in A4 possible (with Kits voices only?)


Coming from the Digitone to the A4 beast I am wondering if this feature is lacking in the A4 or if I just have been overseeing it. I love the possibility to trigger more tracks / layers in the Digitone. In the A4 I don’t understand it – I know there is in the Kit settings the Poly Config (e.g. using Voices 1, 3 and use Track Sound).

Can somebody explain to me how I can achieve what is so easy on the DN on the A4? I don’t understand it … there is no visual feedback like on the DN. I wish they would copy the Voicemenu from the DN to the A4.

So e.g. Track 1 should trigger also Track 2 but Track 3 and 4 should trigger only themselves. Is this impossible?

What is happening if I selected Voice 1, 3? Which tracks are affected? I really don’t get it…

Simple. Use track sounds. In this way, the Sounds get layered like on the Digitone. If you combine this with unison.

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Yes, I figured that out – but it’s for the whole kit – not for the Track itself. So I either can turn it on or off but I can not tell Track 3 to trigger T1 and T2 but T4 should only trigger itself. So it’s not like on the DN, right?

Actually the whole thing is still confusing to me with Voices and Tracks…does Voice 1 correalate to Track 1 – sometimes I suppose… but not always depending on the Voice Allocation settings…

Yes it is not working like on the DN. The main difference is that you have only 4 voices/4 tracks and that Voices are rotating, depending how many voices you select. When you layer/lock voices, it reduces the polyphony too.

You can use this to create very colored arps, in which every note can play a different sound.

On the DN, voices don’t rotate.

Take a look at the Vermona Perfourmer, the voice concept there is identical. You can assign all voices to the same midi channel which give you 4 note polyphony, or set monophonic mode, but with rotating voices. Or assign two voices to the same channel and the other two to different ones. You have than two monophonic independent voices, and a 2 note polyphonic voice.