Digitone II Tips & Tricks

Is there a way to “initialize” a track ?
If I have loaded a preset, then load a new “Machine”, all settings are kept. Is there a way to load a “clean” machine ?

I don’t know if you can load clean by default, but you can always do a quick [TRK]+Clear after loading the new machine. That seems to do the trick


Ok, that simple, thanks !
Also, PAGE + CLEAR is handy.


does this also still play different pitches when you map keytracking to transients or does the pitch stay the same regardless of which key is played?

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Unfortunately you can’t change Transients pitch. Hold/Decay/Level only.

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After a first couple days with this, I’m amazed at how good it sounds.

A beginner’s tip, but in a stream with EZBot, Mario from Elektron said the FM Drum is a little like the Syntakt machines with all the controls exposed (which undersells it, but still). It made me want to replicate the fast, get up and running feel of sitting down with the Syntakt…

This led me to make a template “Machines” kit that has gotten me up and running fast: starting with stripped down presets for BD, SD, HH and also bass, pad, and lead starting points using the different machines (fm, wave, drum with comb filter, etc). Cutting out the overwhelming hassle of starting totally from scratch , or of digging through a ton of presets made a big difference. It’s like the Syntakt experience, with the deeper controls ready to hand…

Basic sounds are easier to achieve than I’d expected, and tweaking presets transforms them thoroughly and easily.


I don`t have my digitone 2 yet. But that was exactly my idea as well, basically rebuilding the syntakt machines and saving it as a project template. Glad to hear it would actually work :slight_smile:


Just to add to the idea of creating a simple starter kit (which is a fantastic idea):

You can easily apply your starter kit across your entire project. Go into Kit -> Manage and highlight your template kit, then hit the right menu and choose “Load to Empty” — boom, your template kit is now applied to all of your empty patterns. If you just started a new project, your whole project is now set up with your template kit.

Pour one out for all of the copy/pasting I did on the mk1 devices.


It didn’t replace analog ones for me. I Miss them. I donc regret digital ones.

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I’m keeping Syntakt, but I’m surprised how much more I like most of the metallic sounds coming from DN2, and how easy to adjust them. But the CY Ride and HH Lab on ST are sounds I think it’d be hard to imitate on DN2.

Re analog, the Syntakt analog synths (and fx filter and drive) still fill a role for me, but the wavetone with post-filter overdrive routing was also much better than I was expecting.

Back on topic, another tip from Mario: with Wavetone, you can send the grainy noise at near max “character” into a high-tuned comb filter for some nice, sparkly grain effects.


I tried that too before ! :wink:
Different comb filter notes
Random Base, Lowest Width.
If you want to quantize more grains, use very short noise decay…shortest LEN.

Example, picking grains with short noise enveloppe. Less grains, quantized to trig begining.
Noise grains are the only source going into comb filter.


Play track by midi note (feature or bug?)

After playing a track with an external keyboard i noticed something:
The lowest 16 mid notes will play tracks 1-16. All the notes above that will play the selected track (or by midi channel or via auto channel and then the selected track). This is the case for all midi channels and for all the tracks. Even if tracks doesn’t have a midi channel.

I could not find this in the manual. So or it is an undocumented feature, or a bug. But it may come in handy. For example: using an external drumpad.


This is a feature. It was present in DN1 and DT has it also. They just forgot to mention it in the DN2 manual.


It is common to several Elektrons since AR MKI. DTs, DNs, ST…not sure about A4s. It should be specified in the manual indeed, I also searched without luck…

Works perfectly with Akai Mini Plus…


And the pitch of the produced note ? The one in the TRIG settings ?
Edit : I’ll try later !

Yes. Same as if you were playing track trigs with TRACKS trig mode.


Waiting for an updated manual then :wink:

Only Elektron i have is OT mk2 so never had this functionality. (Although i had the OG DN for a while but did not know this)

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Now i just saw this thread Digitone II external Midi pads controlling track trigs? - #4 by sezare56 :upside_down_face: i could have know it :wink:


Key Tracking Breakpoint Shifting

Breakpoint is fixed to C5. Would be nice to be able to change it in Setup.

Workaround to shift it without changing notes you play : use Transpose and Octave.

Example with these settings, breakpoint is C4 :

Octave -1

Transpose +12

Transpose is +/- 36 semitones, so you can shift breakpoint accordingly, +/- 3 octaves.
(Octave is +/- 5 octaves)


Is there not a basic “hold” button?

I keep pressing combinations of random buttons (1-16), finding nice things, but then realising, oh…I have to keep my fingers pressed down, so I can’t modulate stuff