Digitone/Digitakt breakout box [work in progress]

I believe there are a few places that introduce latency:

  1. The Digitone/Digitakt generates its audio digitally, and then feeds it to its internal DACs (very low latency I imagine due to small buffer sizes) and it’s USB stack and peripheral (higher latency and larger buffer sizes)
  2. The USB transfers themselves take some time
  3. My device’s USB stack and buffering required before I can start sending data to my DACs
    Last I measured, if I recall correctly, latency was stable at ~6.6msec.

I believe the latency is not introduced by the microcontroller speed but by the inherent need for some buffering and the USB protocol itself.


Just caught up on this thread, and amazing idea that I’ve thought would be useful for years - I would definitely be up for buying one!

I am definitely interested in buying one.

Hey @eranrund. Any updates on the progress ?


Hi. Unfortunately not much progress. I received the 2nd revision, and it still has some issue with output volume as well as some outputs not working. I suspect an assembly defect, but have not yet had the time to try and rework the board…


i would buy this!


Was just wondering how this project is going ?? Still dreaming of having one of these one day :slight_smile:


I’m really happy that this kind of project exist.
I don’t have the mixer to use this project, but I have pleasure reading this thread and the detail of how it works.
Take your time OB is here and won’t disappear :slight_smile: Look at the MD stuff there is still people who work and enjoy it :slight_smile:

We’re almost 6 months away from the last update on this project.

Are you ok? Is the project ok? Need anything to make this happen?

I am okay, but at this point I have to admit that I am just to overcommitted to other projects and am unlikely to see this through.
If I recall correctly, the way I left things is that there are some volume level issues with the 2nd revision of the board, perhaps caused by some assembly defects. I didn’t get a chance to get to the bottom of it.

I am happy to collaborate on this with someone that has demonstrable experience in electronics design and manufacturing, as well as STM32 microcontrollers, USB stacks and such.

I apologize for getting some people’s hopes high, it turns out that my life is just too busy right now for another side project :frowning:

Maybe one day…


Thanks for the reply.

I’m not that skilled unfortunately, but there must be someone ready to step in somewhere.

If money is a problem and keeping you from completing this project and turning to other projects might a financial incentive help?

If so what about a kickstarter campaign? I’ll bet you’ll get enough people in. If it doesn’t raise enough than no harm done right? I think if you can you should go for it, but of course I’m totally biased. :slight_smile:

Can you share the pcb schematics and maybe a github link with the source code, this way others can start where you ended.
I have some background in embedded systems design with stm32 but not much experience with usb. I have been studying Stefan Rehm’s work for a couple of days now since i found this thread but not with much progress.

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Unfortunately it is an issue of time, and not money. Between my day job, building out my camper van, and some other personal stuff, there is just not enough time left :frowning:
If I make enough progress on the camper van project then I could eventually return to this. It would be fun to complete it, don’t get me wrong. I just have to prioritize with a limited amount of side-project time.


I need to think about that some more and see what the right way for me to do that is. I am definitely open to sharing it, but I am currently still a bit hesitant to do it publicly. The reason being I did invest a not insignificant amount of time and money in this, and if this does picks up I would like to remain involved in the project.


Camper van project sounds like a lot of fun too. If you care to share more on that I love to read about it. I still have that dream of someday owning a full electric camper and just be gone for months. :slight_smile:

I have been documenting that build here: The big silver van - a 2021 AWD build from the Bay Area | Ford Transit USA Forum



I totally understand that you hesitate to give away your hard work. But I understand even more how time is a limiting factor, I always have more projects than time.

What we could try is doing a crowd funding to give you something back for releasing the sources of your project. It’s a bit infuriating to see how much effort you put into this great project but nobody (apparently not even you) can really benefit from it right now.

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Yeah this is a sad issue.

That’s why I gave the tip about a crowdfunding as he’s seemed pretty far with the project.
If it’s backed enough @eranrund might have enough to quite his day job for this project.

If it’s not backed enough than no harm done and he continues what he’s doing.
But if it does… think of the fame and glory you’ll be getting! :hear_no_evil: :love_letter: :kissing_cat: :partying_face: :clap: :moneybag: :gem: :dancing_women: :european_castle: :desert_island:

How much are we talking about that should cover this? 25k/50k/100k/250k/500k?
Maybe even up the game by adding more features if even more people back it?

Also has Elektron ever been contacted to see if they’re willing to help out or in worst case work against you? They’ve gotta been thinking about a feature like this as well, there’s no way that wouldn’t be the case. They probably will never admit it for various of reasons but still making contact doesn’t hurt and might be very informative. Best case scenario: they offer you a job. :slight_smile:


I know that thing to begin something work on it for years and invest time and money. It’s difficult to throw away the hard works.

I wish you success here on all the thing you are doing !

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I support the project but crowdfunding should be a definite and confident thing, not something to nudge someone into progressing and has any caveats about their ability to deliver. It’s already stressful enough with pandemic component availability. I don’t discourage your faith in them, but crowdfunding should be a way for someone with a solid plan to execute perfectly, anything else is risky and maybe not the best fit, yknow?

I’m not against throwing a few bucks towards it but let’s be real… most people conflate crowdfunding with “preorders” and there may be a lot of mad persons if it doesn’t come to fruition and the developer needs to feel they’re confident in delivery to use crowdfunding at its best.

I think it’s only needed when a solid plan is placed and commitments can be made.