DIGITAKT: The fastest way to save samples into sound banks

Dear Digitakt Pro Users,

has anyone a idea or a video link, how to save the fastest way samples into sound banks. The best for me would be select all kicks in a folder on +drive and put it it into sound bank A with one go. I hope someone understand what I mean.

I like to have:

Soundbank A: Kicks
Soundbank B: Claps
Soundbank C: Hi-Hats
Soundbank … and so on

Thank You!

Samples do not go to the sound pool/sound banks, so there is no way to batch load samples into the sound pool.

The soundpool/banks are for saving a preset called a sound in which a sample, any sample, is the basis of. A single sample can be the basis of more than one sound. When you save your sounds there is the option to categorize them as kick, snare, etc for sorting purposes

Samples are loaded into the sample pool. This is a per project pool of sample. They can be batch loaded by going into the samples menu and selecting all the sample you wish to load into the sample pool, then loading to project.

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Too bad … then I have to load for hours/days samples into projects to create a sound that is then loaded into a bank. ahh…

but thank you!

I’m not lt sure why it would take you this long to load samples into a project, but it seems like you may be over complicating your workflow.

Also good to remember a sample doesn’t need to be made into a sound to be used. Sounds are really just an easy way to get things plocked.

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One good reason to save a sample as a sound is to use sound locks.

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I saw this video… and I think that workflow looks super nice to have sounds organized like this. so I was thinking to do the same with my own samples.

While it’s nice that it’s setup like that for the persons soundpack, so users can easily see what they’ve purchased for use, for actually making music on the DT this isn’t really practical.

You can load up and use your samples into a project without making them sounds, so unless there’s a specific set of settings you plan to use on samples repeatedly, for sound locking, making every sample a sound is a time waster.

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for actually making music on the DT this isn’t really practical.

Well, I think we all can agree that different persons can use and adapt to different approaches on how to use the Digitakt. I also organize my samples (both with and without edition) as sounds, so if I have different folders of different “drumkits”, I don’t have to menu dive to check if this or that kick sound better. Plus, sometimes you can have two very different and very nice kicks from the same sample source, so I saved them organized as “sounds”. But something is true. That takes long time and a big amount of effort. Or at least it was for me, when I first organized all the factory samples in this way. But after that I am always happy when, if I search for a kick I know where I will find ALL my kicks.

Something that would be nice, is if someone could do what the person in the youtube video did, but with the factory samples. Like, organizing them and making an exportable sysex file of sounds out of them. That would save all your time, hooops.

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You could just have your samples organized so you aren’t needing reorganizing them as sounds, especially if you haven’t adjusted parameters on the sample before saving it as a sound. When a sound gets locked to a sequence it becomes part of the sequence. Further adjustment to that sound do not transfer to other steps or tracks locked with that sound. So loading a sound that has all parameters default with only the sample saved is exactly the same as locking a sample to a step and then plocking your parameters. Your way also now adds clutter to the sound bank so while you no longer have to “menu dive” through sample you have to “menu dive” through sounds.

How different people adapt to using something has nothing to do with how practical a method is. While your way may work for you, you are definitely adding unnecessary preparation time and op asked for the fastest way to achieve things.


It could be usefull if you want to add a sample to a track that is populated with parameters that wont work with the new one, adding a sound with no parameters refreshes all pages in one hit, adding a sample from the ram to the same track requires preparation or page clearing to get the sample to play uncoloured.


So … what‘s the fastest way to save samples into a sound bank anyways? If someone asked me how to save a sound … I couldn’t tell him. Would be nice to have a workflow improvement update someday imho

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The fastest way to add a single sound is func+imp/exp, this will save whatever audio track sound you are currently using.


Maybe the Overbridge could be a good solution. to organize this on the computer could be much faster.

So if I have drum kits I dropped in via the Elektron transfer into my Digitakt and I load say a kick hit hat snare drum roll and use it for a project, and like the tweeks I’ve made to each one, I can go to the individual track sound, do func + imp/exp and export as a sound?! Am I understanding that correctly?