Digitakt Pattern Reload - Midi CC Reset

Hey there,

i’ve recently started using the Digitakt in conjunction with my iPad thanks to the added Class Compliancy. It works really well so far and opens up a whole new world of possibilities.

I’ve got a problem with the Pattern Reload and Midi CC resets though.

If I have a Pattern state saved (including Midi CC information on Midi 1-8), mutate from there and try to reload the saved state, the Digitakt itself displays all midi Values as back to normal, but AUM does not seem to get the message. The automation stays stuck in it’s „mutated“ state.

Has anyone else noticed this? Is this considered a problem of the Digitakt not sending Midi CC corrections upon resetting the pattern or is AUM unable to receive the info?

Thanks and cheers!

I believe that if you set a trig on the sequence (with velocity 0 if you don’t want to send a note) and trig condition to FIRST so that it only triggers once, the values will be sent to the external device as you expect.

I was just watching that video and @DaveMech talks exactly about that here: https://youtu.be/pEkC-kD3fpU?t=747

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Thanks for your reply, Amaury!
Your described situation is slightly different. I’m not talking about a pattern change (A1 to A2…) but a pattern reload via Func + Yes. The Trig with a Condition to 1st would not be played in that case. But I will check if placing empty Trigs on one midi track might be a workaround.

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Ah OK, sorry I missed that. I would assume a trig could solve it, let’s see :blush:

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The trick indeed works even on Pattern Reload! Nice one! Thanks, amaury!