Digitakt Overbridge Stand-Alone Editor (photos)

Thanks a lot! Could you please also share pics of the sample assign and sound browser pages? Mainly interested in those…

Standalone Editor - does that mean you can use it without digitakt plugged in then upload what you create later?

Or is this just pretty much just the same as the TouchOSC template that’s been around for a wee while plus the ability to be able to browse sounds when the Digitakt is plugged in?

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It’s what will eventually be the VST plugin, just as a standalone app for now. All settings can be changed either in the editor or on the digitakt in real time - its pretty cool!

Updated the op!

The color scheme & UI has sort of a Native Instruments vibe too it. Not really digging that aspect of it.

If its like mk1 ob, the colour scheme can be changed.

Any news about progres on OB development is good news in my book!

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Thanks for uploading! Are there any GUI animations for particular parameters, like for the LFOs, Comp, and such?

I’ve only ever used the Analog Heat OB.

woooow, sweet :3

Can you drag and drop samples directly from your HDD into the pool in the editor?
Or do you have to use the transfer app separately to get sample on to the device?

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Is there any indication of how project and pattern management will work?

looks useful

Is there a way to setup the midi tracks? And save/recall these setups?


Looking good.

Dear pretty phuulease, most awesome god overlords jedi’s ever, @Elektron, don’t limit all this goodness to Win 10 on the PC side, Win 7/8.1 are still on duty.

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Can someone tell me (since I’m waiting on the Mac release of this version)… is there a new OS for the Digitakt that came with this beta? or is it using the current release?

Cool. Looks good. WWWHHHEEENNN???


as a someone that manages windows domains for money, do yourself a favor and upgrade to win10.


Yes. Beta testers have access to OS 1.11.

i guess the standalone-Editor will be also available for A4, AR, DT and AH, right?

At a later stage, yes.