Digitakt overbridge not working!

I’ve tried Everything but can’t seem to get my digitakt and overbridge to work together.

I’ve reinstalled the latest OS on the digitakt. I’ve aslo went through all the steps to uninstall overbridge and install the latest version. Nothing seems to work, both the standalone and the ableton vst don’t sync up, they can’t seem to find the digitakt.

When I the digitakt is in usb mode, elektron transfer finds the digitakt no problem…as soon as I switch to overbridge mode the digitakt disappears.


I’ve also just updated my Windows 10 to the latest version and still overbridge mode is not working :frowning:

Are you using a USB hub at all? If so might be worth connecting directly to try and rule anything out.

Edit: Maybe check out these tips:


Nice one mate, thanks alot…that’s worked…I’ve been pulling my hair out for hours lol…:raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands: