Digitakt keys sticking dirt

You pretty much described the summer here where I live. That could be an explanation. Maybe a sweaty summer session followed by just leaving it without cleaning for some days in my desk.

Hey, thank you for the baby powder tip! it worked for me, but the buttons were less damaged than the one pictured in this topic.

I’m curious if anyone here has simply removed the rubberized coating of any current/mkII Elektron’s keys (and maybe knobs?), using something like alcohol as suggested in this thread (removing the keys/knobs from the device first of course) …. And if so, did you successfully end with essentially


Great tips in this thread— I just think that if I face this issue, I’d prefer to remove the coating altogether rather than try to restore it; wanted to confirm if anyone’s been through that with an Elektron already.

pretty pissed with this. My digitakt is all sticky, and I’ve never even left the studio. This is pretty poor judgement from Elektron. I’ve learned this also happens with their most expensive boxes. DT won’t age well and mine is already unsellable with all the gunky keys like that. Shame on them. I won’t buy anything from elektron again.


They just get sticky over time. I want a refund.

Having the same issues with my Digitakt lately. Elektron, please stop using this material.

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Just to say that you CAN remove the sticky stuff. I had a few buttons start to get sticky and I removed the button and basically scrubbed the coating off with an old T shirt. It took about 15-20 minutes a key to get all of it off, and by no means am I saying that this solves the problem, but I have a few keys on my DT that are gunk free.
They look and feel nice too.

Keys 1,2,and 3 have had the coating wiped/scrubbed off. I think the photo kind of shows it. 4 is the next one I’m going to clean and it’s not even that bad.
But, yes, it would be nice if they’d stop using the rubberized coating.


I opened a support ticket with Elektron and they sent me a full set of caps.

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