Digitakt e25 Screen Issue

I’ve had my silver Digitakt since November. Holidays were crazy so I haven’t used it much. All of a sudden, when I turned on yesterday, this is what the screen looked like. I’ve already filed a support claim, but I’m curious if this is an issue others have been experiencing.

Actually, you’ll have better luck searching for “syntakt screen issue”, I remember seeing a couple similar threads and one would assume the display unit is a shared part. Here is one such thread I found quickly, however I’m certain there were a few others. You may get some inkling towards what the resolution was.

this person had 2 with the same issue, first unit:
second unit:

Oh wow. Ok, thanks. Seems like maybe it has to do with the white screen.

Well, fortunately Sweetwater will just swap it for me, I i cannot fix with Factory Reset/Firmware Upgrade, etc.

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I almost wonder if a bad batch of screens got out there. People in the other thread seemed to think this is an issue with mk2 ot and other white oled from leaving them on too long, but both yours and the other person I linked seemed to be problems within a short period of time after purchase so while it’s not impossible, I think this is something that warranty should cover even if sweetwater didn’t cover it as a DOA type of situation. Glad you got it worked out though.

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