Digitakt dotted delay mode found!

So…not okay to compliment someone. I knew it was there. He didn’t, he found it…that’s fun. It’s fun to discover. That knowledge is retained better than when your told or it’s read. How many times have you gone back to the manual for the OT? :wink:

But when you “discover” something…for some reason it locks in :+1:t6:

Allow someone to have their discovery moment. Then…RTFM hahahaha


Help! What do you mean by “encoder” :-(…??

The delay knob.

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A4MK2 has this since early versions. Func+Knobtwist for jumps to preset values. In the case of delay time it jumps through the standard time signatures. Knobtwist without func for simple increments shown as numbers.

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Thanks :-)…