Digitakt and Op-Z

Hello fellow Elektronauts.

I figure to use my DT as a sampler while my Op-Z are running the chords and so on.

For this I want them to sync and I can’t seem to figure it out. I have done as the manual says (Op-Z)

On my Digitakt: I’ve enabled clock send.
Midi via USB both in and out.

On my Op-Z I’ve enabled recieve Midi (Channel 4 on the module track)
I am using a UsB C to Usb (female) adapter so it should work.

But nothing happens.

Tell me what to do please. I’ve never synced via USB before and that’s giving me grey hairs so far.

Have you done it? What exact adapter are you using? Is there any settings I’ve forgotten?

Best regards and happy new years y’all!


I got it to work today using a USB-C to USB-B cable. It wasn’t working at all at first, but then I turned on the OP-Z with the USB cable plugged in and it suddenly started working.


I’ve got them to work with an aukey USB-b to USB-c adapter. I use basically the same settings as you do but I think the order in which you turn on the devices is important. First I plug the USB cable into both machines. Then I turn on the digitakt and wait until it’s finished booting. Then I turn on the op-z. Hope this will also work for you!


I ordered the Yamaha MD-BT01 Wireless Midi Adapter (not yet arrived). Since I always have an iOS device with me, I figured I can use it to route the MIDI between the OP-Z and OT. The less cables, the better.


I would love a review on that!

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Well yeah I got it to work aswell now. Op-Z should be turned on last in order for it to recognize the sync. Such a basic thing to get grey hairs from…

Now I dive deeper into the midi rabbithole. Couldt seem to record live on my Op-Z while the sync was on. Probably just some knobs to turn on or off…

Wish me luck!


How’s the experience of using the two together?

Well, what I do like is to use nature sounds as I recorded onto the Zoom into my 100 bpm songs. Like wind, birds, water and such. Now since the sync the Digitakt let’s me do what the Op-Z don’t basically… they’re a really nice combo for sure.

I use a powerbank aswell so I’m all mobile and ready to record anytime into my Zoom.

And not much space and weight is taken up.

I am pleased :smiley:


I’ve mostly been using the op-z on its own, as I think I’ve still got some way to go to really master it. But from the few times I’ve been syncing the op-z with the digitakt I can already say that it frees up both machines to really shine with their strengths. For example, using ctrl all on the DT to mess with loops or sounds while the op-z keeps the beat steady is awesome. Or the other way around, going crazy with punch-in fx on the op-z while the DT keeps it tight. Simply having 16 tracks for a pattern opens up a lot of room for variation /live improvisation, so that it’s almost a challenge to not overdo it. So far, I really enjoy it!


Whoa, had no idea this was a thing. Ordered!


Woh this thing is awesome!

i’m having the same issue. i bought a usb b to usb c cable and can’t get the op-z or digitakt to receive or send clock from each other.

I got it working months ago. Set up everything right, then restart your op-z and now it works! :slight_smile:

Hey, it works here too. If I turn on the OP-z last, it works with direct connection. The main Problem is, when op-z is master clock, the clock clock on digitakt is far from steady and the two start to drift away from each other pretty fast. If digitakt is master clock, it´s way better but still it won´t keep syncing over a longer period.

Very strange. Any suggestions what might be wrong here?

Can you please elaborate? Do you have the OT and OP-Z connected via USB, then connect to the OT wireless via an iOS device? What does that achieve? I apologise in advance for a rookie question :slight_smile:

I no longer own the OT, OP-Z or even the DT, but here is what I did.

I connected the OP-Z to my iPad via Bluetooth, and used this wireless Bluetooth adapter to connect the OT to the iPad. The iPad was the midi router, I think I used Midiflow. It enabled me to wirelessly connect the OP-Z and the OT.

I did not find this a good experience, because the bluetooth was rather unstable, and the whole setup was quite cumbersome to setup.