Hello all,
Can anyone help me with a MIDI routing issue please? My set up is:
Digitakt 2 as MIDI sequencer connected to 3 external synths and an effects unit.
This all works perfectly using a few midi tracks on the Digitakt 2.
I have introduced a Faderfox PC12 into my set up to give me more hands on control but I am seeing some very strange and unwanted behaviour so I assume I have messed the midi routing up.
What I want to be able to do with is say control some parameters on 8 tracks of the Digitakt 2 and then some parameters on the external synths and the effects unit all from the PC12.
This is how it is connected, by using a couple of Midi Solutions Thru boxes and a Merge box.
The Digitakt 2’s MIDI Out is connected to the MIDI In’s of the synths and effects units (I can control these external units successfully from the Digitakt 2 using CC messages).
The MIDI Out from the Digitakt is also connected to one of the MIDI In’s on the PC12.
The MIDI Out from the PC 12 is connected to the MIDI IN on the Digitakt 2 and internally on the PC12 the MIDI In and Out I am using are connected.
The reason I have the MIDI Out from the Digitakt 2 being fed back into the PC12 is because I want to be able to use the Learn function to set up the PC12, ie just twiddle the knobs on the Digitakt 2 that I use to control the synths and the PC12 will save the settings but also so that (I hope) the Snap function can work ie the PC sends the data to the Digitakt 2 which either consumes those values or passes them to the external synths but as it all goes through the Digitakt 2 this then provides that info back to the PC12 as I don’t want the CC values to jump if I touch a pot (if that makes sense?).
Anyway I think I have created some type of weird midi loop as the Digitakt 2 starts doing some very strange things like stopping to play track 1 where my kick sample is. I can get it behave by reloading the project but the problem then persists if I turn the PC12 on again. Also I have only set up 1 pot so far on the PC to control the filter cutoff (cc74) on one of the synths but when I turn the knob on the PC and look on the screen on the Digitakt 2 I can see that the Env Decay and Reverb Send values are moving but but they are on completely different CC channels.
Also I get a strange intermittent buzzing in my headphones connected directly to the Digitakt 2.
In the midi Config settings on the Digitakt 2 I have set the correct midi channel for the track I am trying to control.
To recap I would like to be able to control the Digitakt 2 and connected external synths from the PC12 and when turning knobs on the PC12, if they correspond to a midi channel on the Digitakt 2 that is assigned to an external synth, I expect to be able to see the knob turn on the screen on the Digitakt 2 as well as see the value change on the synth itself.
I expect I should be using a MIDI Thru somewhere instead of a MIDI Out but in the Set Up options for the PC12 they do have MIDI in and Outs connected like I do.
As always, many thanks in advance for any guidance and support, I assume this is a blatant user error on my part!!
Many thanks