Digipro waveform manager help needed!

I can’t send anything to my Monomachine. I try really short waves (less than a second) convert to syx in C6 software… and nothing ! I have only error message :

what happen, What Im doing wrong ?

see pic above :

Is the waveform a single cycle waveform?

Try downloading some of the waveforms from the below website,

yes, I use single cycle waveforms, and still have the same error :angry:

nothing more ? somebody have another idea ?

Try uploading a waveform from this awesome website,


Do you select DIGIPRO on C6 before sending?

Thanks for the all tips my friends. I took my old Prodipe 4xMIDI interface, and everything start works fine. This something strange, because Miditech midilink works properly with other equipment, but with Monomachine not :slight_smile:
Now it is all OK :+1:
