DigiChain - web app for making sample chains

Yes, press the download button to get a zip file out of the samples selected in the list, converted to the chosen export settings.

The contents of the zip will line up with the folder path above each sample name, so if you dropped folders in (nested folders are fine too), you’ll get folders out in the zip file.

You can also drop zip files or folders containing zip files and those will be processed too (there is a soft import limit of 750 files, which can be disabled in settings, but 750 is a good number to keep the ui responsive and the browser tab memory usage in check).


Exactly. Thanks

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One more quick question. How to deselect all? I think that I got it working wth alt click once, but no more.

On the select column header:

  • Ctrl / Cmd + Click : selects/de-selects all
  • Shift + Click : sorts selected to the top of the list

On the select column checkboxes:

  • Shift + Click on another checkbox from the highlighted sample will select all in-between,
  • Shift + Ctrl / Cmd + Click deselects all in-between.

Shift + Click on the other column headers sorts the samples by name/duration, but keeps selected at the top, then deselected after.

Pressing the i key will invert the current selections.

You can also de-select all by clicking the OFF button, or Shift + Click it (or the other numbered chain length buttons) if you want to change the chain length, but not change what you currently have selected.

Shift + k or Shift + ? will toggle the keyboard shortcut pop-up.


I think I finally got it… On my PC it is Ctrl/Shift to deselect. So, I click one block, then Ctrl/Shift on a box further down the list and it deselects the boxes between those two. Then just Shift for selecting in the same way. What are these for?

I dont have any shortcuts bound to the Windows key, on Windows it’s the Ctrl key, on macOS it’s the Command key.

Those buttons are for touch screen users who don’t have a keyboard connected (e.g iPad), and can be turned off from displaying on screen in the Settings panel.

Yeah, I think I have it now. Thank u.

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Some of my samples (short kicks as wav) can’t be loaded - it stuck in the “LOADING SAMPLES” progression screen with no error message.
What are the specs for a wav file to be loaded?

Btw thank you for this great app!!!

No size limit, but some oddly structured wav headers may fail to load, but this should be shown as a “skip” message on the load overlay.

The wav file header spec is very loose unfortunately; If you could send me a couple of example files that do not load via DM, I will take a look at their structure and see what’s going on, and fix the parsing to support them if I can.



Thanks for the example files - these are really funky structures! :sweat_smile:

In each file, there are 10 fmt wav chunks, we sometimes see a couple of these, but its very unusual for the first format chunk to not contain the samples format data (like the files sent!, they contain proprietary metadata from a website called modeaudio.com in the first format chunk, very odd!).

I’ve fixed this to check the three elements needed for a valid wav are indeed valid before we try to process it.

This is fixed on my computer, and I’ll push out a maintenance update later this evening for DigiChain as 1.4.11 - so if you try these files again tomorrow, you should be all good.

Apologies for the error, and thanks for helping out with the test files!


Updated live with v1.4.11 changes - just a couple of bug fixes in this one.

  • Fixes bug where saving slice data from imported slice file did not apply slice markers consistently.
  • Bug fix where parsing wav file headers containing multiple fmt chunks, where the first fmt chunk does not contain the samples format data.



Thank you so much for your ultra fast bugfix!

Now all works like expected :+1:

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Just a heads up for any iOS / iPadOS users that live in the EU - if you installed DigiChain as a progressive web app (PWA), Apple’s latest 17.4 beta and upcoming full release will nerf the app like features, as Apple is demoting web apps to behave as simple shortcuts.

So far, outside the EU, PWA’s still function as before.

Hopefully, this decision will be reconsidered; but if you do encounter this, it’s not a bug with DigiChain, it’s unfortunately a feature of your mobile devices OS :expressionless:


Update on the EU PWA drama - Apple have decided to walk back this decision! :partying_face:



no matter what i do, very short or one cycle waveforms end up as a silent chain sample after rendering in digichain

I’m not able to reproduce this one unfortunately :slightly_frowning_face:

Tested in Chromium (Brave):

And Safari:

And adding as a desktop app via Safari:

@marccc What browser, OS are you using?

You could try running in an incognito tab to rule out any changed settings / browser cache causing the problem?

Even shorter samples examples

and shorter still

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Changes to the main GitHub repo will now auto-deploy to https://digichain-latest.brianbar.net/ - previously, updating latest was a manual step :sweat_smile: At the moment, there’s only the ‘double’ selected action and a couple of bug-fixes/ui tweaks in latest that are not in the live 1.4.11 main url.


Cheers to Brian who is to this day still improving DigiChain and currently still providing this as a free service, no multiple threads trying to sell you things, no BS, actually listening to what people have to say and using that real feedback to move the project forward when he is able to make time.

This dude really deserves a pat on the back. If you want to like someone’s post, like one of his, give the man an oreo or somethin. Awesome dude right here.


Cheers to Brian, I use DigiChain all the time! Thanks bud!


v.1.4.12 released to main

  • Added double selected action to add a copy of a sample to the end of itself for the selected samples.
  • Prev / Next buttons on the edit panel to navigate between samples without needing to close the edit panel and re-select from the list.
  • Cleaned up selected actions list, added overflow so list can scroll on mobile and flex to the width of the panel.
  • Shift + Ctrl/Cmd click stretch longest/shortest selected action to set the stretch length in samples instead of seconds.
  • Shift + Click on Trim Right button in editor, or selected actions, to also trim silence from the start (left) of the sample.
  • Changed the behavior of the grid size buttons, clicking will now set the grid size and keep the selection, to also change the selection is now the shift+click action; This is inverted from other versions, but has been a requested change by several users.
  • Shift + L will toggle the lists visibility, useful for simple chaining/conversion if loading a large number of files that can cause the browser dom rendering to slow.
  • Hide ‘Create .OT’ button on sample panel if target SR is not 44100.
  • Added common configuration for Digitakt II.